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CBB continues running past the end of the song

charles kasler

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If it is not obvious which track is the offender, the simplest solution it to enable Ripple Edit and split all tracks at the end of the song. If select right on split is selected in Preferences, that section will already be selected and you can delete it. Otherwise you can click-drag to select everything to the right of the split (fitting project to window helps) and delete it that way. When you do that selection, the track(s) with data in them should highlight up as well for you... if you fit project to window first, then select the area passed the end of the song, this can help you zero in on where the data is.

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Or use Sonar! Sorry. I hate to rub it in.  But it is one of the best new features and that allows setting start and end points. 
Not only when rewinding and stop at end but then your exports are always automatically topped and tailed. And perfectly. No more chopped off reverb tails. 
This has been a feature request since the 90’s and now it’s finally here! 

Edited by Sock Monkey
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