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Safe to Normalize Looped Clips?


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What is the correct order to Normalizing ALL Audio in a project that is recorded to low?
example:  currently Audio is at -27db and usually for Acoustic Guitars it's -18 db.
Is it ok to Normalize Looped Clips? Or better to:
1) un-loop,
2) Bounce to Clip,
3) Normalize,
4) Loop Clip

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That is a good question. The only thing I have seen wonky with internal Normalization is reports of it not working on multiple clips at once (and not sure if that has been fixed).

I have always used an external wav editor (launched from within Cakewalk) to do normalizations. As the clip being looped is actually referenced, once saved in the editor and closed, Cakewalk pops up a message "Audio content has been changed, would you like to reload it?" This doesn't change the project file in any way, just the audio it has been referencing for use.

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