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Behringer XR18 and multichannel recording


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I'm trying to connect xr18 to a windows 11 laptop with Cakewalk as my DAW for multichannel recording.

I can only see 8 channels in audio setup with drivers installed using WASAPI.

ASIO mode shows 18, but it will not "stay selected".

ASIO4all is incompatible.

Behringer no longer offers an ASIO file in their downloads.

Anyone else successful at seeing all 18 xair channels in Cakewalk?

Edited by Smitty
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Yes, can record (and playback) on all 18 channels - with pretty good latency as well.

Not sure what problems you're having with ASIO, but i'd suggest getting rid of ASIO4All as it's just adding something you don't need and may well be causing problems.

Once gone, install the latest XR18 ASIO driver from the Behringer site and you should be good to go.

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