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Glitches in the latest update


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Hello everyone.

Is anyone else having glitchy issues with the latest update?

Example: I'll be working on a project with several synth plugins and audio tracks and all of a sudden the volume on any of the plugins shoots up to the max in volume.

I'll export a project that's been mixed in the box, but when i play it back, there will be some sound coming from one of the synth plugins at max volume.

It just seems unstable. This wasn't happening before the update.


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Cakewalk hasn’t been “updated”  for over a year. Only a few minor changes that had mostly to do with the activation process were tweaked Go read the release notes if you think otherwise.  they are found in the help menu? 

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If you start having problems RIGHT after an update, that never happened before, and you did not change anything at all to your computer, then it is relatively safe I believe to say that perhaps something during that update did something. I don't think it matters if it is a security or otherwise called something else update.  For me there have been weird things that never happened before until I did the update.

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On 12/8/2024 at 2:05 AM, ewrandyh said:

Is anyone else having glitchy issues with the latest update?

Please define “the latest update”

Are you meaning a Cakewalk by Bandlab update or Windows update?

An, in asnswer to your question , no I am not having “glitchy issues with the latest update” - be that the latest Cakewalk by Bandlab (2024.11 build 120) update or Windows update (Windows 10 Version 10.0.19045.5198).

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