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Sonar Crash ( Solved )


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I'm deleting what I had originally wrote here as I turned out to be 100% wrong ( as usual) 

Turns out Mia is a real person and has been excellent in responding to my questions. 

I am still told my best solution is a clean re install of Sonar and it is agreed that this is up to me. I will see how things go and I will hold off for now.  It was the TTS-1 that most likely  caused the crash.  

I've put in a lot of time since then and only one other crash and yes the TTS-1 was also on that project.  It's only because these are older projects I'm currantly opening and saving as Midi files to have future proof back ups. So all is going smoothly. 

I will go and delete any negative comments I had made and if you had quoted me I would appreciate it if that was also deleted. It is my bad for being mad about a stupid crash. 


Edited by Sock Monkey
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@Sock Monkey at the risk of upsetting you.

If you have (Cakewalk)  Sonar installed you have Cakewalk Sonar installed, what I think you mean is you don't have Cakewalk by Bandlab installed. There are three products 

Cakewalk Sonar

Cakewalk Next

Cakewalk by Bandlab. 

Consequently when they replied they are correct in referring to the product as Cakewalk as that is part of the product name. Again at the risk, I doubt very much that an AI responded to your email.

How did you submit your error? 

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I always use the link found at top of this page that says Support. 



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On 12/6/2024 at 3:56 AM, Sock Monkey said:

I already started a thread but it wandered off topic and this would be missed. 

Re cap of other thread was Sonar froze after loading a simple all midi project when I hit play. Had to close using Task Manager, I submitted a crash dump to support using the Support Center ( found at top of these pages ) and Submit a request. I got a few e-Mails. The first 2 were from Mia ( AI handle?)  and just asked for additional info.  I replied with full details including the information about how I noticed the project had TTS-1 at the bottom of the synth rack and this has been the cause of prior crashing for me. Everybody here knows it is a bad idea to add the TTS-1 later to a project. 

This is disturbing to me- I got yet another email from support and apparently it is AI generated. Bandlabs web presence is still outdated and they obviously haven't even updated the AI generated responses. This is the response. 

Thanks for getting back to us with the additional details! I've looked into the dump file, and at this point, it may be best to completely remove Cakewalk by BandLab by performing registry edits. This will ensure a clean install after removing any potentially corrupt parts of the program.
To completely remove Cakewalk by BandLab from your computer and reinstall it, follow the steps below. 
 From here there's a page of detailed instructions on how to ruin your life! 

A few things are disturbing about getting this from support. First, I don't have Cakewalk installed and never once said anything involving Cakewalk. Secondly this is the exact e mail I got last January when I had the crashing and I, like a fool,  followed the instructions to the letter and ended up completely loosing 15 years of custom settings and whatnot. It took me months to get things the way I like it again! And of course it didn't stop TTS-1 from crashing Cakewalk or Sonar.  

The email is 100% BAD ADVISE!  Mia?  ( notice   M-I -A  or A I M  AI Message. 

I was once told by support to do a clean install for an issue I was having enter tempos in CbB. (Entering one tempo entry resulted in two entries being entered).

I replied that I will not be doing that.  I too have my Cakewalk settings set up how I like them that would take me ages to set them up again.

Fortunately I had access t another PC that had never had Cakewalk installed.  That counted as a fresh install.  The tempo issue remained.

It ended up that this tempo issue was an actual bug that was fixed in the next update.

It’s a bit like Microsoft telling an end user to fully reinstall Windows for even the most minor of issues.

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On 12/7/2024 at 11:51 PM, Promidi said:

bit like Microsoft telling an end user to fully reinstall Windows for even the most minor of issues

In my long experience with bugs and crashes, not just Sonar, lots of software can crash, re installing is always a waste of time. 
And if it’s a Daw that freezes up or crashes, most likely it is a plug in. Which was my case. The TTS-1 is well known to crash. 

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On 12/6/2024 at 12:22 PM, Sock Monkey said:

Anyway the reason I posted this is please don't waste your time submitting crash dumps. They obviously go to AI and in the dozens I ever submitted  the only replies I ever got were all obviously AI generated.  Another nail in the coffin for me. 


This is BS sorry. Crash dumps get looked at by all our developers.

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On 12/6/2024 at 5:22 PM, Sock Monkey said:

Anyway the reason I posted this is please don't waste your time submitting crash dumps. They obviously go to AI and in the dozens I ever submitted  the only replies I ever got were all obviously AI generated.  Another nail in the coffin for me. 



1 hour ago, Sock Monkey said:

ok real people look at the crash dump. I never doubted that! 

So why the response I got??  Why are we never told the results? 

At the risk it would appear you very much doubted they were viewed by real people, see the bold underlined comments made by yourself. 

It is not unusual, especially with a small development team, who also do the support, not to get a specific response as to a problem. They probably are a little pushed for time. 

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1 hour ago, Wookiee said:

It is not unusual, especially with a small development team, who also do the support, not to get a specific response as to a problem. They probably are a little pushed for time. 


There have been times when I have deemed the specific response to be in the form of a fix in the next update.

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Update/ Mia has just replied this morning with what is now from a real person. She/He/Them is still recommending the clean install of Sonar. 

But then Noel has said in another thread that sometimes these issues are caused by C++. That seems like a better solution and I will look into it. 

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  • Guest changed the title to Sonar Crash ( Solved )

Just a bump to apologize for my negativity towards the support system. Please read the first post for clarification.  

We are in good hands here!  Carry on and enjoy the great updates coming out. 

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