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Sonar crash ?


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I looked and last crash in mini dump was July. So pretty rare I get a crash. 

Possibly Sonar can crash if you do what I was doing? 
I have 150 backing track projects that are mostly identical in layout and what instruments are used. Ample Bass, Addictive Drums Xpand etc. nothing I haven’t used for about a decade. 
These are all saved in a folder as CWP files, no audio. 
I need to convert them all to GM midi files so I can use them in any Daw. 
So all day I was opening each file , save as to Midi 1 and then closing CWP project and opening the midi version to add GM features like Program and Channels. I was on about the 30th song and Sonar crashed when I hit playback. 
Is it because Sonar retained 30 projects in memory? 
Should I re start it every 10 songs?? 

I tried to submit the mini dump but the web site would say the file took too long to upload and bonk out? I tried 6 times or so. That’s pretty frustrating. Funky web site? 
There’s a text file too? , never seen that before, is this new?  Any how it seemed to say the crash exception was due to Sonar. 
 If there’s a dependable way to submit the mini dump let me know. 
Thank you. 

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6 hours ago, Wookiee said:

do you have a file share like Google drive, or similar, put the dump on the drive, send an email to support@cakewalk.com with a link sharing the dump file.

Thanks I'll try the web site again this morning and if that doesn't work I'll email it. 


6 hours ago, Wookiee said:

Can I ask why you are converting CWP or Cakewalk Projects files as we know them to MIDI? Just open them in Sonar. 

Only a fool would store all of their lifetimes work in any Daw project format only.  And CWP is on shaky ground  for me right now.  Midi files have been around since the 80's. I have hundreds of Midi files I sequenced on an Atari that I can still open in any Daw. That's 40 years ago! 

So even if I hopefully can stay with Sonar, it is still a good habit to back all your projects up as Midi. Most of my hard work is the midi portion of my projects. And these are backing tracks which are 100% midi. It only takes about 1 minute to open and save any project as midi. It takes a little longer to add a few things to make them GM compatible.  

4 hours ago, Promidi said:

Do any of these files have any sysex info therein?

No. the majority of these are all my own creations. And as I say some are based on midi files that are 30-40 years old. Bass, Drums and Keys. Only CC is on organs. These are like 36KB files once they are midi. 

If I use a downloaded file the first thing I do is open event list and remove most of the data. Then I open Sysex veiw and delete that is it's there. I always want full control of the tracks and instruments. 


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1 hour ago, pwallie said:

can the dump file be squashed by zip?

Good idea. That works. File was oddly way bigger than any of the older ones. They were around 50MB. This one was 345 MB. I zipped it and it was 28MB  

I also submitted the project. But it didn’t crash after that. 
I thought I hadn’t had any crashing problems since Summer but I found 5 more mini dumplings dated in September? 

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I think I know what caused the crash. The song was Margaritaville. Last January I was looking for a steel drum vst. In that thread Sound paint was mentioned. Also the TTS-1. 
As you may or may not know, adding the TTS-1 to a project later on in its creation has been known to cause a crash.
This project has the TTS-1 in the Bottom of the synth rack. 
I doesn’t seem to crash now. Staff has been in touch. In all my years of reporting crashes I’ve never been contacted later with any reason reports. 

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7 hours ago, Sock Monkey said:

I think I know what caused the crash. The song was Margaritaville. Last January I was looking for a steel drum vst. In that thread Sound paint was mentioned. Also the TTS-1. 
As you may or may not know, adding the TTS-1 to a project later on in its creation has been known to cause a crash.
This project has the TTS-1 in the Bottom of the synth rack. 
I doesn’t seem to crash now. Staff has been in touch. In all my years of reporting crashes I’ve never been contacted later with any reason reports. 

I found that I have to add it early and freeze whatever I played. At some point, it will decided to go south. Noel or Mark gave an explanation of the cause sometime back. I finally switched to the Munt MT32 even though it has output routing limitations and you can make Cakewalk think it's the TTS-1 for midi only files.

It certainly sounds far better than the original MT-32 since it doesn't do the 14/15 bit chopping stuff the original hardware did.

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I actually have Coyote as my default. But back when I did this project I was still learning about alternative GM players. I now have a few. 

The best thing about TTS-1 is it has a nice GUI with access to the effects. 

The MT 32 was my first Midi sound module. Jeff Koftinoff was a local wiz kid and ended up working for Roland and was the person who wrote the MT editor. This allowed us to modify all the sounds. 
But I tossed it in the trash about 15 years ago because MS wave table sound even better than that POS 

All you punk kids who complain about paying $100 for an audio interface. The MT32 cost me $1,500 in 1987.  An Atari Computer was about the same. 2 MB of RAM. 

Edited by Sock Monkey
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The MT-32 was my first proper synth (I don't count my Casio HT700).   I later replaced it with a CM-64 (which is basically an MT-32 and a U-110  in the same box with no display).

I wrote an MT-32 editor on the Amiga - amazing how good and how deep the synth engine was for the day.

None of the "real instruments" sounded any good at all on it, except may.  It was a synth, not a sample player.  The samples it did have were essentially attack transients.

The TTS-1 is completely sample based.

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