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Let's talk about quick grouping


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I have a general workflow that utilizes groups for stereo pairs of guitars.  Often, I'll have layers of stereo pairs of guitars - some with different amps or different guitars.  And sometimes harmonies.

Tracks: 1&2 might be group A

Tracks: 3&4 might be group B

Tracks: 5&6 might be group C

Generally, these will all run through a stereo bus on the way to the master bus.

Now, there are times where I want to simply manually move all 6 of those faders up or down at the same time without moving the fader on the bus.  BUT - Quick Grouping will not allow for that.

However...if I happen to have a single channel in that quick group along with the other groups, it WILL allow me to move all faders as a group, as long as I'm Ctrl+click+dragging on that single fader.

Am I missing a hot-key or something to allow a Quick Grouped movement of several grouped pairs of faders?


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16 minutes ago, David Baay said:

Not sure about the problem with quick-grouping of groups and not at my DAW to test, but you should be able to get the same result using Input Gain on the bus if only those six tracks are going to it.

You do have a point there.  But the problem still remains if I have 12 groups and only want to turn up 6 of them.  It happens frequently.

Edited by HOOK
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Just now, David Baay said:

Raising faders on the tracks the feed the bus will have the identical effect to raising Input Gain. Both will increase the level into the FX bin.

Yes, David.  I changed my response because I originally read your response to mean the GAIN on each individual channel...not the bus.  Yes.  I know faders will also effect the FX bin on the bus.

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Curiously though...with my misunderstanding of your original response....I WAS able to control gain on groups A, B and C with a quick group. 

And I've never played with it like this before, but it looks like I can do just about anything with the quick group, but I can't do fader....the only thing I want to do....lol.

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I suspected and just confirmed by checking the Ref. Guide that when controls are grouped, holding Ctrl temporarily overrides the grouping so you can alter one member independently - i.e. it becomes Quick Unrouping.

So far as I know, quick-grouping of groups is simply not implemented.

The simplest alternative would be to output each pair to an Aux track that outputs to the bus, use the grouped track volumes to contol the pairs and use quick-grouping on the Aux volumes as needed. If you're using matchng FX on each guitar pair, Aux tracks will also facilitate that and reduce the number of plugins you have to manage.

Or don't create any permanent groups and, just use quick-grouping for everything, selecting what you want to control in each case.


Edited by David Baay
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Thanks, David.

The Aux track is an obvious option for an intermediary place to control volume for these groups but I prefer to not.  I'm old.  A bus doesn't belong in the middle of a mixer...lol. 


But it looks like you basically ran down the same exhaustive list of reasons I did as to why I can't do what I want in this situation.  It's fine.  I just wanted to know if anyone saw that I was missing a hotkey option or something to temporarily override the group.


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As you know, holding CTRL while adjusting a parameter that is part of a group, temporary overrides that grouping, allowing one to adjust just that one parameter.

The issue is that to create a quick group, you also hold CTRL.

It appears that one cannot create a quick group using parameters that are already part of a group, because the function to temporary override that grouping prevails.

What we need is a key modifier to allow the temporary quick grouping of parameters that are already part of a group.

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I misspoke. Actually, you can use Quick group  along with permanent groups as long as you start the operation from a control that is not permanently grouped. Quick grouping and permanent grouping are two different operations.
Permanent grouping is when you assign a bunch of controls to predefined groups (A, B, C...) and set up their relationships to each other via the group and group manager menu items.  Quick grouping is a temporary state where it auto groups controls for selected tracks and operates on them.

Since the key is CTRL for this you cannot engage quick grouping from an already permanently grouped control since the modifier acts as an override in this case.
We can't use shift either since shift is used for accurate editing mode.


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8 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Actually, you can use Quick group  along with permanent groups as long as you start the operation from a control that is not permanently grouped.

Quick grouping is a temporary state where it auto groups controls for selected tracks and operates on them.

Got it.  That explains why I can control just about everything when I quick group my permanent groups - except for the fader.  Typically, my permanent groups are simply for tying faders together.

Thanks for explaining that.

Edited by HOOK
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