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Is there a way to prevent Cakewalk from sending out any initial MIDI messages when opening a track?


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Every now and then Cakewalk sends out some kind of MIDI message that switches local control off on some of my hardware synths. I have made sure to deselect the "zero controllers when play stops" option in my templates, and I don't use any program changes etc. that would send off MIDI when opening a track. Even so, every so often Cakewalk sends something that switches local control off in these synths. So, my question is, is there a key modifier or some other way of preventing Cakewalk from sending out any messages at all when opening a track? Alternatively something I can enter in the ini file? Thanks.

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Check your TTSseq.ini file for a SendLocalOff=1 entry in the in the [Options] section.  If there is one in there or if there is no SendLocalOff entry, change (or add) it to SendLocalOff=0

You might also need to ad a SendLocalOn=1 in the same section

This file is in the "%APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core" folder

Make sure CbB is closed and copy the file before editing.

Another thing to look to check is that there might be some sysex data that is being sent when you open the file.  Check the Sysex view to see if any are present and if they are set to Auto send.

Edited by Promidi
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