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Changing grid line colour


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Hi everyone,

I've just upgraded to Sonar and have reverted to the Tungsten theme. I have found that It's very difficult to see the grid lines (even when they're in front of the clips). I went into the colour preferences but I don't see where I can change the colour of the grid lines.

Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated.


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18 hours ago, Andres Medina said:

Sonar as it is now does not allow to customize colors.

I found a woraround, which is to switch between dark and light themes, according to needs..

Thanks for the reply. It's not ideal. I hope that it'll get sorted soon.

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2 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Is it ok now?

Better....ish, I suppose.  Here's the problem I have with it.  What you did to the Dark scheme looks fantastic to me - a very light gray.  But I'm also sure others don't like it.  However....I can't use Dark scheme because the color of the "split" line when I split a clip.  It matches the background color of a clip too closely.  And, while I can see the vertical lines much better in Tungsten Classic with the new change, what I used (and prefer) in CbB was a gray just slightly lighter than the background.  So I'm batting about zero here...🤣

So...you know.  Overall, I don't understand the resistance to user modifications for time ruler numbers, grid lines, ellipses and default background colors for clips.  I believe that user setting options on those simple parameters would make the color schemes you're offering go a lot further for us out here in the real world.

I know.  My favorite saying at my day job is ....this job would be great if it weren't for those pesky customers!

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Its not about resistance! You realize that customization is not some magical thing you just think of and it happens? 😅
Its pretty complex to implement something that works for all themes. It takes design, engineering work and testing. It will come at some point but its not the highest priority thing we have at this time.

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23 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Is it ok now?

Unfortunately still very difficult to see unless the theme is changed to a light colour. Only problem with the light colours is that the overall look is very harsh.

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