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Weird wave form


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That looks more like a computer/buffer problem more than clipping or other wave form defects. It could even be a bad connection in  a wire or other device. One question does it happen all the time or just happened this one time. If it happened more than once in the same song, Is there any logic to the spacing between the groups of  glitches. This doesn’t look like an over driven section but Was it played really loud.?

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I got a phone call. I think it was from a cell phone. The phone was muted but on. 

I did have one overdriven signal going into the rme ucx, but that was a different channel. I suppose it could have been the rme... idk

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I looked last night...

I had 2 copies of the same input coming from the pre amp... one went to a compressor. The compressor had the output gain turned up and i didn't notice.

The two were then sent to the rme as channel 1 left and right.. these two channels saw the glitch.  The glitch was definitely driven by volume, but the problem was at the rme. Channel 2 left and right was not impacted. 

I have never seen a clipping track mess up another. I've had my rme a might long time now. 2008? I'm not sure but it has been a while. 

It was not lightly clipping. Only at the loudest moments did the glitch happen. 

The digital glitch was less pronounced on the unclipped track. 


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