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[SOLVED] HELP! cakewalk won't launch since I tried WDM Kernel Streaming

Mike Stetig


Hey there - in an attempt to minimize latency, I tried the WDM Kernel Streaming. Now, cakewalk won't launch, and I have uninstalled and re-installed it....twice. Each time, I launch, the rectangular logo comes up, a small grey window behind it runs through a bunch of lines that end with "not compatible", and then it just won't launch. ANy advice is appreciated.

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Ok, so I have a focusrite scarlett 2i2, so nothing is by my audio card. And yes - I can't get to preferences, because the app closes itself before I can do anything. 

I disabled the HD Audio, but that hasn't changed anything.

Can anyone tell me what the aud.ini is? I did a search on the C  drive for *.ini and came up with nothing.


Thanks guys - hoping to work this out.

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For what it's worth I have a Focusrite 4i4 and when I changed the driver mode to WDM/KS, it still worked.
Changed back to ASIO and it continued working.
So, after disabling the HD Audio output to your TV, what does the Wave Profiler do? Did you try clicking the 'Cancel' button?
From experience, you're not going to get better latency than the Focusrite provides in ASIO mode unless you get a new, better, more expensive device. 
What exactly are you calling "latency"?
Oh, and welcome to the forum.

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2 hours ago, Mike Stetig said:

Can anyone tell me what the aud.ini is? I did a search on the C  drive for *.ini and came up with nothing.

You need to turn on "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" (in the View->Options of Windows Explorer (near the top of the list on the View tab of that popup)) to see the folder AUD.INI normally resides in (should be C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\[version you are working with]).

What that file does is tells Cakewalk the audio configuration you have set. Rather than delete it, it is often better to rename it to AUD.BAK (just in case you need to reference it again in the future). When AUD.INI is not present, Cakewalk will rebuild it from scratch on next launch (so Cakewalk will run through everything you have available to check them all and let you choose what you want to use).

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Just to verify the disabling HD Audio. You went into Windows Sound Settings->Sound Control Panel (upper right) and disabled them in the next pop up? I have Show Disconnected/Disabled Devices visible, but the "Disable" option is in the same place as the "Enable" below (right click pop up). There may be more than one of them installed on your machine as you can see with mine.


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The question I have is did the OP download and install the latest ASIO driver from the website? Typically once you install the ASIO driver Cakewalk will automatically grab it. And the ASIO driver from Focusrite will be by far the best performance. 

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While AUD.INI has the details of all your audio devices, the actual driver mode (i.e. ASIO/WASAPI/WDM/MME etc) is stored in the registry.

Try renaming the "Core" key to "_Core" in the registry under:

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Sonar

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Core

This will cause Sonar/CbB to re-create it on re-launch, defaulting it to ASIO.

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If any settings were left behind (like the aud.ini, etc) , then removing those may correct the problem.   

If you have an external audio device,  you could unplug it and see if the program will launch, then change driver modes before reconnecting. 

If you have a built in audio device (whether you use it or not), you could disable it in Device Manager or your computer's BIOS setup, then try launching and changing driver modes. 

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