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Correctly delete old vocal tracks form recording?


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I have some projects, all VSTS except for all guitars and all vocals. I am wanting to re-do some of them and use the same midi in the project but delete the vocal recording(s)? IOW, the CWP without the old vocal track?
i have stated a few times that I forgotten many things I used to know in CW. Yes I have memory issues, I am not looking for sympathy, just help. 
I went into the Audio folder of the project (.CWP) and deleted a vocal track but of course when I opened the project I had the missing file dialog. 
sooner or later I will export the projects to audio (just basic bouncing)-So is it better just to leave the old vocal recordings and when I bounce and export I just don't include the old vocal records? Just looking for the easiest (best?) way.

Hope this makes sense!


Edited by Pathfinder
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You may find in the future that you might want the old vocals. The simplest way to remove vocals from a project is simply highlighting clips and deleting them (will retain the track and FX/sends used this way). You can also delete the entire track (but will lose the FX/sends). Both of these methods do not delete the previously recorded audio (so you can reference them again in the future if needed), but they will remove the audio from the project itself (which is typically the desired result). It is also best practice when noodling around to save a new project file (e.g., Project X vocals removed.cwp) so you still have the original one just in case.

If you get into a situation where your Project folders are getting huge, that is when removing unused audio from project folders gains more attention.

Edited by mettelus
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To remove audio from a project permanently, and avoid a missing file error, you have to delete the audio clips in the project itself.

If you want to remove *everything* in the audio track(s) in question, first save the project as a new file (in case you make a mistake, so you can go back), I usually use version numbers for each save as (I never use save, and actually changed the keybinding CTRL-S to Save As instead of Save, just to force-remind me to save it as a new version, so I can always go back to any stage of the project if something goes awry later on, be it technical or musical). As long as you save in the same folder, then even if you use per-project audio folders (which I do) it doesn't fill up your drive with extra audio.   

Then go to the auido tracks you recorded things in that you no longer want, select those clips, and delete them. then save as the project again (to a new file).  

Before you do this, if you really want to you can open the properties for each audio clip and note down the file names for each clip, so you can delete the actual audio files themselves.  I don't delete any audio clips directly unless they're broken or really terrible, because I might use them for someting else later, but I know most people aren't like that. ;)


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