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Exported audio sounds slightly different whatever i try. Also there are random explosions in the sound


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3 hours ago, Jochen Flach said:


as you are starting the playback of your song somewhere in the middle of your project I guess you do have MIDI CC7 values in this track some bars before. So CC7 is set to -6 db somewhere before your starting point. If this is the case, then starting your playback after this CC information will ignore this -6 db value. (Curious that the export process is fetching this value)

You could go to Preferences -> Project - > MIDI and select "Chase MIDI events" (or something like that... I'm not in studio).

Then your playback will fetch MIDI information that happen before your starting point of your playback.  Try this please 🙂


 this is what in there

today in the same project at the same part now 2 instruments are sliding down to -6db when rendered. in the video i demonstrate how they slide to -6db when rendering, then i show that in the associated midi tracks there are no changes in cc7 corresponding to -6db in kontakt, on the contrary the last change is at the beginning of the song at 127 of cc7.   kontakt's volumes should stay ar 0.0,  besides i changed in kontakt's option  reset volume to 0.0 yesterday as i demonstrated. where this -6db comes from?   and finally i show in the video how when playbacked the volumes return to 0.0


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Something to note. You are using multiple voices in a single instance of Kontakt. CC7 is interpreted per MIDI channel so if you have multiple voices responding to the same CC perhaps this could lead to the behavior you are seeing.

Another possibility for resolution is why not use Sonar’s volume automation for mixing instead of using CC7?

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My hunch is that it's this setting here:


When this is checked,  all CC's are set to 0, apart from CC7 which is set to 101.
Normally, having both "Zero Controllers When Play Stops" is fine as long as you've also got "MIDI Event Chase on Play" checked too... that way any CC changes are set to the correct value when you continue playback.

CC7 events should be fine.
CC7 automation will be problematic if you have jump events, as they literally mean "no automation" - so nothing will be chased.

You could try unchecking "Zero Controllers..",  but this will require you adding your own resets for any CC's / Pitch Bend at the beginning of each MIDI track.

My recommendation:

1. Ensure you're setting CC7 to what you want at the beginning of the project.
2. Ensure "MIDI Event Chase on Play" is checked.
3. If you must use CC automation, avoid jump envelopes.
4. If possible, use audio volume automation instead.


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@msmcleod unfortunately that is not the case with all plugins Mark. Arturia's Stage 73 with zero all controllers ensbled zeros the volume to zero and the tremolo as well, which is irritating in the extreme.

Same with the Korg Triton and Triton extreme. In fact several of my VSTi's will completely set their volumes to zero. Some even will get pan set hard left. 

I always disable the setting 90% of the time.

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4 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Something to note. You are using multiple voices in a single instance of Kontakt. CC7 is interpreted per MIDI channel so if you have multiple voices responding to the same CC perhaps this could lead to the behavior you are seeing.

Another possibility for resolution is why not use Sonar’s volume automation for mixing instead of using CC7?

i yet have to understand what you said concerning the voices....

im not using sonar's volume automation because i'm still switching kontakt libraries and each new one is different in volume,  i always quickly adjust it in the sonar console, but if i drew volume automation, even created such a track,  i would have to always select and move that line , it's not comfortable


3 hours ago, msmcleod said:


You could try unchecking "Zero Controllers..",  but this will require you adding your own resets for any CC's / Pitch Bend at the beginning of each MIDI track.


i'm not sure but i might have mentioned that in my project i added 'reset events' (pan, pitch, cc7,cc1) at the begining of all the midi tracks.  if i understood you correctly., so they already are there..  i jut tried unchecking 'zero controllers' and rendered,,, still the volumes go to -6db

Edited by kapernik
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deleted all cc7 information from a problematic track. volume still moves down to minus 6db when rendering, and now even when playing.   and other two instruments behave this way: when playing they go to 0.0 (because there is cc7 information 127 earlier), and when rendering they go to minus 6.

Edited by kapernik
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