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Yamaha DM3 as Audio Interface


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I knew my mixer could be used as a recording interface, but Yamaha documentation seriously sucks (always been that way) so it took a few trials and errors to get a proper recording. I still don't know how to adjust send levels over USB, so some tracks were very quiet and others were very loud even though the mix we heard while playing was balanced. Fortunately, the result is extraordinarily clean and even massive gain boosts didn't result in audible noise.

I've been meaning to try this for awhile, ever since the whole band went amp-less and everybody now goes through the PA. I've done simple two-track recordings of rehearsals - that's as easy as plugging in a USB drive. But we're in the process of building a new promo package that will include a thumb drive of music samples, so I needed multitracks that can be properly mixed in Sonar.

The hardest part was switching to an alternate interface. Windows would get confused, seeing a new interface and deciding on its own that from that moment forward I was to forever listen to Netflix through my stage mixer. Ultimately came up with a batch file to easily switch interfaces by swapping aud.ini files.

Here's my first test: https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14852856

This is a cover of a Janis Joplin tune, recorded here in my garage at last Sunday's rehearsal. There's been very little done to it post-recording, just some volume automation and added reverb/delay. It doesn't sound particularly polished, but it's an honest representation of how the band sounds live, which is the purpose of the exercise. I'm considering adding some fake crowd noises - would that be dishonest?


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I just love how mixer promo will say its a 22 channel mixer when all I see is 8 faders! 

I bought a Yamaha 01v back in the 90's It still works! it is an amazing tool. It has  14 faders. 12 mono, 2 stereo and I added the 8 input card so I have 22 channels. Being old school it is not a USB anything interface. I  used the SPDIF output into a CD recorder, Mini Disk, and Dat machines.  But I actually find the manual is very well written and full of great advice on audio. They, after all,  wrote the bible, The  Sound Reinforcement Handbook https://soundsfxedit.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/sound-reinforcement-handbook.pdf   A required reading if you want to get sound tech gigs back in the day.   

So possibly the company is aging and the guys who used to know what they were doing have all retired. AI is writing the manuals. 

I bought a Zoom L8 digital mixer. The also make ones with up to 20 channels. It is very easy to either record to a Laptop or just to the SD card. I can't see the Yamaha for 2-3x the price would not be the same? 


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That was an excellent Sax solo bit. You should take the lead in that song. 

Just listened on my hearing aids so the mix was on the treble side. I am going to listen on my monitors later today. 

Singer does a good job. She sounds really relaxed and at ease with that song.

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23 hours ago, Grem said:

That was an excellent Sax solo bit.

Thanks! I usually take an organ solo in that song but that day I had just happened to discover a nice sax patch on the Montage and switched to that on impulse right before hitting Record. I think it'll be part of the arrangement from here on out - at least until we play in front of any real brass players. If Notes is ever in the audience, I'll be switching back to organ. Or kazoo.

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