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Seems there's no plans for a GM default Player?


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21 hours ago, Sock Monkey said:

I guess I should just change the title of the thread to "Help no sound"!  Geez..

Sorry for participating in the hijack, but there is SO much misinformation flying around about ASIO4ALL, especially since Cakewalk started throwing that message about it.

I've seen multiple posts where someone was convinced that Cakewalk doesn't work with ASIO because they saw that message.

Cakewalk obviously DOES work with ASIO, and as @pwalpwal pointed out, it usually even works fine with ASIO4ALL.

But these days, there is no need for ASIO4ALL whatsoever. If you're on a laptop using the Realtek chip with Cakewalk/Sonar, go with WASAPI. If you're using a program that doesn't support WASAPI (like Ableton Live!), use ASIO2WASAPI.

That's it, that's all you need.

7 hours ago, Sock Monkey said:

It could use the TTS-1 or the MS Wavetable to do this. They removed both so new users don't have options. 

To be clear, Cakewalk are not the ones responsible for the removal of those synths. Roland controlled TTS-1 and finally told Cakewalk to stop distributing it.

As for MS Wavetable, it was deprecated by Microsoft.

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On 9/21/2024 at 1:27 PM, Steven Philips said:

ASIO bypasses windows sound drivers and talks directly to the sound hardware reducing latency

A widely-held belief that's actually a bit more nuanced than that.

What ASIO (and ASIO4All) bypasses is the old Windows mixer and all the tasks it used to perform such as sample rate conversion -- not the actual hardware drivers. Once upon a time, that was a huge advantage of ASIO that native Windows audio couldn't match. But Microsoft has been steadily improving audio performance over the years. Nowadays, WASAPI Exclusive does the same thing, which is why it has comparable performance to ASIO.

The reason ASIO4All is able to bypass the mixer is that it relies on WDM-KS under the hood. One of the advantages of WDM-KS over the earlier WDM was the ability to bypass that pesky mixer.  Today, the  mixer isn't even there anymore and is only emulated for backward compatibility. WASAPI is superior to WDM-KS in many ways, although WDM-KS is still available and still supported by Sonar, further making the need for ASIO4All moot.

Now, if you have a well-written ASIO driver from a top-shelf interface manufacturer such as RME, then you should absolutely use that over WASAPI.  For most of us, though, WASAPI Exclusive is a reliable alternative.

On 9/21/2024 at 1:27 PM, Steven Philips said:

ASIO is far better than MME.

That is a true statement. Nobody should be using MME unless they can't get anything else to work. The only nice thing about MME is that it always works.


Sorry to have contributed to taking this thread so far off-topic. I totally agree that a GM synth would be a great addition to Sonar.  I love the TTS-1 and am glad to still have it installed. But it was a Roland product from a time when Roland owned Cakewalk, and Roland wants nothing to do with it anymore. Will it ever be replaced as a bundled component? We can only hope. After all, V-Vocal was also a Roland product that went away and it was replaced by the far-superior Melodyne Essential. But it shouldn't be surprising that they won't announce plans in advance, nor that they are unwilling to say "no, not ever".


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