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Workspace reset on every release


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I don't understand why it's important to reset my workspace to default on every release.

I like having my control bar at the bottom of the screen and EVERY SINGLE TIME that a new release is downloaded and installed, I have to open a project and SAVE the workspace AGAIN.


PLEASE STOP resetting my workspace every time I install an update!

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12 hours ago, Beagle said:

I don't understand why it's important to reset my workspace to default on every release.

I like having my control bar at the bottom of the screen and EVERY SINGLE TIME that a new release is downloaded and installed, I have to open a project and SAVE the workspace AGAIN.


PLEASE STOP resetting my workspace every time I install an update!

I am a fan of Workspaces, have used floating  control bars in different locations (as needed, per Workspace), and have noticed some persistent issues, but I have not paid attention to issues whether or not new releases (updates) move a control bar docked at the bottom to the top. 

I assume you are talking about Cakewalk Sonar (not CbB) and that you have the Control Bar docked at the bottom.  

9 hours ago, Promidi said:

I do have “Apply Workspace on Project Load” enabled on the workspace menu.

I was also wondering if this might be part of the problem.

@Beagle Also, are you using a customized Workspace (e.g., CB at Bottom) when this happens? If so, what are your settings in the Workspace Manager (Show in GUI and Load from Workspace)?

PS: If you use a factory Workspace and have customized it to have the Control Bar at the bottom, have you given it a unique name? 

Edited by User 905133
added a PS re: renaming factory presets that have been tweaked to a unique name; to add a pair of questions ; added a quote from Promidi + a comment about it
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13 hours ago, Beagle said:

I don't understand why it's important to reset my workspace to default on every release.

I like having my control bar at the bottom of the screen and EVERY SINGLE TIME that a new release is downloaded and installed, I have to open a project and SAVE the workspace AGAIN.


PLEASE STOP resetting my workspace every time I install an update!

Do you have the docked control bar saved as a workspace? I'm not able to reproduce any change to the current workspace setting on updating. 

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for a while the updates on CbB would reset the default workspaces, so the answer was simple enough - create your own. i have about a dozen workspaces which i use to quickly realign the views depending on what i'm working on. i jst leave the default ones as-is and never use them. so if the issue was corrected in the last 3 years, that is good, if not 100% reliable for preserving custom settings, i'd suggest my approach.

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25 minutes ago, Jonathan Sasor said:

Do you have the docked control bar saved as a workspace? I'm not able to reproduce any change to the current workspace setting on updating. 

15 minutes ago, Glenn Stanton said:

. . . the answer [is] simple enough - create your own.

1 hour ago, User 905133 said:

PS: If you use a factory Workspace and have customized it to have the Control Bar at the bottom, have you given it a unique name? 

Confirmed an hour ago, with a newly saved "CB at bottom" Workspace. 


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Is that our Beagle ? Welcome back if it is. 

I don't think any other Daw has such an item as a workspace. I guess they created the workspace options so that an overly busy Daw  could then have a simpler interface available for new comers. Thus the dumb idea to have the default as "basic" instead of "None". Uncounted ( 100's?)  of posts here have been related to that one dumb default choice by the developers.  

Workspaces are a feature that I have used since almost day one.  I took the time to read the info when they first came out and it's a crazy complicated system. Way over the head for new comers.  Once you do understand how it works it makes Sonar a very customizable Daw.  I would even think this is not something any other Daw can do. 

So the mistake the developers made is to try and dummy it down but that's obviously not working so they should simply set the default to none. Then All new installs of Sonar or Cakewalk will be a default that has all features available. Then Newcomers can be instructed to try the Basic workspace if they are finding the interface overwhelming. Or point them at Next! 

Example there's a thread just started where the OP is looking for the Sys Exclusive list. Guess what? Yep Basic workspace strikes again.  

And I agree about the other annoying default of Comping instead of the commonly used by  Overwrite!  Even Cakewalk Next defaults to Overwrite. And take note that this is not a workspace item. Its a New project when using template item. So ya, you have open all templates and save them again to get rid of this. But then if you open a Midi file it will be back to bite you in the arze.  And I think this gets trashed with certain updates. So best to roll your own templates. 

The solution to the OP's problem is simply set your layout the way you like it and save this as a custom workspace.  Aviod overwriting the factory workspaces. They will return to original on an update unless you re name it. As well as None will also reset to factory.

Bottom line is if you want a custom workspace then save it as one. I only have 2. One Screen, Two Screens. They have been with me for years now and seem to always work. And I made a zillion changes to my set up. 

Edited by Sock Monkey
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1 hour ago, Glenn Stanton said:

for a while the updates on CbB would reset the default workspaces, so the answer was simple enough - create your own. i have about a dozen workspaces which i use to quickly realign the views depending on what i'm working on. i jst leave the default ones as-is and never use them. so if the issue was corrected in the last 3 years, that is good, if not 100% reliable for preserving custom settings, i'd suggest my approach.

It's definitely not recommended to resave over the existing factory Workspaces as those can be overwritten as described. 

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Hey guys, yep, sock monkey, it's me!

haven't been around much in a long time!  yes, I did kinda rant and didn't return for a while, sorry about that...

yes, to everyone who responded, I am using CbB, I did not move to the paid version.   and so with that I realize NOW that I've posted this in the wrong forum!  I should have posted in CbB.

but every time I get an update, my CB resets to the top of the screen and then I have to resave a new default workspace with my CB at the bottom and with "ALL" on the controls seen and a few other custom settings I like.

if you're saying that I have to buy Sonar 2024 in order to stop that behavior, then I'm not really interested in that at this time.  that would suck if I had to pay for that behavior.

Edited by Beagle
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3 minutes ago, Beagle said:

but every time I get an update, my CB resets to the top of the screen and then I have to resave a new default workspace with my CB at the bottom and with "ALL" on the controls seen and a few other custom settings I like.

if you're saying that I have to buy Sonar 2024 in order to stop that behavior, then I'm not really interested in that at this time.  that would suck if I had to pay for that behavior.

Just to clarify.  Are you modifying a factory workspace, keeping the name, and using that as your workspace, or are you modifying a factory workspace and saving that under a new name and then using that as your workspace?

If you are modifying a factory workspace and not renaming it, then I would expect that factory workspace to be restored with the factory version when you do a CbB update.  I would expect Sonar 2024 to do that same (a Baker might confirm this).

I would try modifying a factory workspace and saving that under a new name (effectively, becoming a user Workspace).  Then use that as your default workspace.  I would also enable “Apply Workspace on Project Load” on the workspace menu.

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Confirmed on my PC in CbB that by creating a customized Workspace with a docked Control Bar at the bottom installing updates did cause not me to lose the "CB at Bottom" Workspace.

It was reported several years ago as well as more recently that if you tweak a factory preset and use the same name [e.g., "Advanced"] you will run the risk that the Factory Workspace that you didn't rename will be overwritten.   

Edited by User 905133
fixed typos
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I was not renaming the workspace, so that may be the issue.  I have always had "Apply Workspace on Project Load" checked.

I will try naming it something different and see what happens the next time I get an update.


thanks for the help!

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bring back you old Avatar. That will be cool. 

There's no huge difference between Cakewalk and Sonar as far as things like workspaces go. 

Edited by Sock Monkey
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