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How Does One Get The Aria Player to Work in Cakewalk

Tiffany Prochera

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I feel I've had this issue before but it's been a while since I've used the Aria Player in Cakewalk.  So, I open up the instrument, put some patches in various channels because i don't know which one it is drawing from. When I click on a note on the keyboard at the bottom, I'm hearing the patch from Channel 1. When I use my MIDI keyboard in Cakewalk itself to record, it records MIDI but there's no sound on recording or playback. What am I missing? Thanks in advance!

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Be sure the channels on your hardware and routing internal to Cakewalk match. Aria will load up to 16 instruments and often uses all 16 as you load them. Those can be set within the Aria GUI, but if it plays your issue seems more a channel mismatch/routing issue.

Quick start would be to set your keyboard to OMNI, as well as the input in Cakewalk to the Aria player, then adjust from there as needed.

Edited by mettelus
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