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T T # Nex Ool


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T T # Nex Ool

(read as tee tee hatch nex ool  )




was previously started a couple days ago here New MIDI FX Available 

That core track, anchor to the rest, used an arp pattern I'd made for something else, stuck into a midi track and looped just to play with the CSHumanize settings to see what they did, feeding a random patch in Z3TA2+ with it's own arp turned off.  When I got something interesting, I dragged it out a bunch of measures then recorded it "live" with a MIDI loopback into another track (partly for the test, partly to see what it would do, etc).  After muting the original track, I turned the arp in the synth back on (a simple up/down 2-octave four note pattern) and the track got significantly more interesting, so I started editing it as if I was going to make a song...and so I began actually making one.

Percussion is two different kits (SI drums with the aggressive kit and SessionDrummer3 with my modified MisfitKit I like to use), both playing parts of the same clips (taken from the Aggressive Drums pattern in the SI drums selections, split to separate tracks / clips per drum sound, etc).   Eventually I'll build my own percussion tracks based around this that specifically fits each bit of the song, but it's just this for now.   I stuck a separate CSHumanize instance on each of the hats/cymbals/tamb parts (the tamb is copied and modified from the hats clips), mostly modifying the velocity but with a teeny bit of the note starts; the tamb only modifies the velocity, I think. )

Uses Perfectspace and one of the canyons modified as an audience/performance space (don't recall waht I did, was quite a while back; also used this for parts of Neotenous Chordata's bass fx track) to liven up the drums, along with a modified FlimsyKit in PX64Percussion.  The SI kit is bussed right to the "percbass" bus (where I compress both bass and perc so they play off each other and cause less pumping of the rest of the tracks) the other goes into the drum bus first then to percbass.   Each output bus of the SessionDrummer has it's own short fx chain, some pretty clean and some with reverbs, etc.  


The "sound effects" track has another perfectspace on it with a different large space and a multiband eq, which later on will be automated to narrow some parts down a lot to clarify the song itself there.


Anyway, I'm still working on it, it's hardly even really started yet, but it's already listenable, and it's fairly short (only around 3 minutes).  It will probably get longer as I build on sections, make breaks, etc.   The best part for now starts close to halfway thru; the previous part is buildup (and is what is being worked on at present). 



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