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Mercuriall Audio Spark 50% off

Larry Shelby

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Let's get right to the point: for the next 72 hours Mercuriall Spark plugin will be discounted by 50%! That means you can get it at half the price for just $60!

Spark is the Ultimate British Tone machine.

Here is what Steve Stevens from Billy Idol said, when he got his hands on Spark:

"To my ears, it's the best sounding guitar amp sim plugin I have used to date. It's simple, straight ahead but responds like a real world amplifier. Nice Job."

We encourage you to run the demo and hear it yourself.


You can get Spark at www.mercuriall.com with a 50% discount for the next 72 hours.

Explore Spark

Edited by cclarry
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  On 11/6/2019 at 6:23 PM, Mesh said:

How does this compare to Nembrini's MRH810?


A few months ago when I was demoing all the Marshall sims that mattered (imo) and that didn't exist is a suite (don't like suites) I was sure I was gonna get the Spark after everything I read about it being the best Marshall sim available (and it may have been until the Nembrini showed up recently), but when I finally tried it I chose the Nembrini MRH810 over Spark and Caliburn. Actually, I liked Caliburn better than Spark mainly because I was able to get great sounds w/ Nembrini and Caliburn quickly where I was fiddling w/ Spark a little longer and didn't end up getting my hair blown back. This is all subjective and depends on your setup and the sound you're after. I'm probably gonna demo Spark again and spend a bit more time with it to see if it'd be redundant for me now that I have Nembrini, as I don't like to collect plugs, so for me Spark would have to offer something different but as good as Nembrini. When demoing Spark pay attention to any high end fizziness as the gain is cranked - a lot of sims show their weekness there, but I've read that Spark excels in that area. I tried Spark *after* the Nembrini, and was kind of ruined for it I think lol. I'll demo it again. 

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I'm also in a similar mindset and don't really want and amp unless it brings something different, fun to play, and useful. I like the simplicity of Caliburn and MRH810 where a really good sound can be had very quickly. Will demo Spark and see if there's something compelling (other than GAS) to get it.

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  On 11/6/2019 at 8:27 PM, Monomox said:

Collective gasp!


Yeah I hate too many options. No time to get really good with any particular plugin because you feel obligated to get your money's worth and use everything you keep buying. In my plugin buying life I've made only a couple of what I consider bad purchases, one of which I was able to flip quickly and the other I got stuck with permanently and just wrote off as a loss. And as a guitar player, back in the day I didn't have 20 amps and I didn't know anyone who had more than two... you had your one amp you chose wisely and spent good money on and your pedals/rack effects and you got all your sounds from that one setup. This limitation made you get real good at squeezing the best out of this setup and I still follow that ethos today. I've got like four amp sims I care about: Nembrini Marshall, Vermilion, Brainworx Ampeg VR, and I thought there was something else but I can't remember now.. probably because I don't care about it. 

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@Christian Jones, do you have a soundcloud page or anywhere else where I could hear your music? I play guitar and find your opinions about amp sims very interesting and I'm very curious about your music (and to be honest your tone, too!). I'm not trying to judge, I just love to hear music by people who like to make music. 


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  On 11/6/2019 at 11:30 PM, Monomox said:

@Christian Jones, do you have a soundcloud page or anywhere else where I could hear your music? I play guitar and find your opinions about amp sims very interesting and I'm very curious about your music (and to be honest your tone, too!). I'm not trying to judge, I just love to hear music by people who like to make music. 



Judge all you like brother we all do it amirite. Not to make this thread about me, but just to respond real quick. There's my soundcloud that I've been resurrecting after some years of down time. The demos currently on there are older and before I started taking mixing seriously. I took a long hiatus from music and just got back into it about a year ago when I started posting on the old forum and found Cakewalk was dead. That's when I started taking mixing seriously, but I've always been a guitar geek and tone chaser who cares about things like scale length and signal splitting to two amps sans tone loss etc. But I had always shunned amp sims w/o even trying them; I just assumed there could be no way they'd be worth while for serious recording. Then I moved to this new place and realized I can't mic my amp here so I started thinking and researching and opening my mind and ended up down the sims and IR rabbit hole. I have different goals now than I did then as I consider YouTube and composing for TV/film rather than a band right now. There's a couple of recent riffs I uploaded there to test some guitar sim tones you could hear and I'm still dialing those. Today I built three dual bass amp rigs around the Brainworx Ampeg VR which I made into templates. I'm doom metal/synthwave guitar/bass/synth player but I'll write in various styles. Right now I'm getting a pretty dope doom tone w/ a dual amp rig consisting of a cranked Nembrini Marshall for one amp and a hardware Big Muff run through a PSA-1 which is then run through an OwnHammer IR for the second amp and I blend those together and that's the Grimy Doom Riff on there I was testing. I think of it as an Alice In Chains type of metal tone blended w/ a Siamese Dream era muff tone to get a metal muff tone that I play w/ a Warmoth baritone strat tuned to A# standard. I'm wearing too many dang hats right now and there's just so much to do and I'm playing serious catch up lately. I'm projecting my newest song to be uploaded by the end of the year if I can stop messing w/ sounds to get to actual work lol. Post your soundcloud too man. I'm always checking people's stuff out.


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I have Mercuriall Reaxis and really like that amp sim. It comes with a reverb, delay, and chorus that are all decent. 

I don't fiddle too much with a sound once I get it, but I do work at it with what ever amp sim I got.

Learned many years ago that one amp could get many more sounds out of it than I thought it was capable of. 

So even today I will flip through presets till I hit something I am in the mood for. And after playing it and seeing what it can do, I try to take it someplace else. 

Doing this process with the Mercuriall Reaxis is really a pleasure. It is something I enjoy and always go back to this amp sim. 

I also have Mercuriall's Sans Amp but have not sat with it long enough to give much opinion on it. 

I may give this Spark a demo. Reading the specs on it has my interest peaked.

Edited by Grem
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  On 11/7/2019 at 3:25 AM, Christian Jones said:

Post your soundcloud too man.


I need to finish at least one of all the metal tracks that I have "in production." So far I only have one finished track in my SC. It's a track that I produced for the Nobody Listen's to Paula Poundstone podcast. They have (or had) a silly contest for the theme song of the podcast and this was my entry. 

But I really need to finish one of my metal tracks soon. I hereby promise to do it by November 15. 


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  On 11/8/2019 at 4:21 AM, Monomox said:

It's a track that I produced for the Nobody Listen's to Paula Poundstone podcast.


Right on. Is that you singing?

  On 11/8/2019 at 4:21 AM, Monomox said:

But I really need to finish one of my metal tracks soon. I hereby promise to do it by November 15. 


In the spirit of practicing completion you ought to hold yourself to that.. *checks calendar* Looks like you got 8 days. See I was easy on myself.. I hearby gave myself till the end of the year. 

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  On 11/7/2019 at 11:27 AM, Grem said:

I have Mercuriall Reaxis and really like that amp sim. It comes with a reverb, delay, and chorus that are all decent. 


Yeah I've tried over the years as well as recently w/ these Mesa sims to like the Mesa sound and it just doesn't work for me. Even way back when I had (still have) the SansAmp GT2 I never liked the Mesa sound from it and always preferred the Marshall setting. It sucks cuz I really want to like it lol and I wanted to buy that Reaxis when it went on sale recently but I couldn't justify it. 

  On 11/7/2019 at 11:27 AM, Grem said:

I don't fiddle too much with a sound once I get it, but I do work at it with what ever amp sim I got.


Same here. Have you ever come across those guys that don't fiddle w/ their amp at all? Those guys that say they just wanna plug in and play.. A friend of mine is like that.. he buys a nice Marshall combo and I'm like dude you're not even gonna try to turn the knobs? I'm a tone chaser but I won't fiddle forever. With Spark I felt like I was spending more time than I wanted, though my feeling was that it seemed better for lead tones. 

Edited by Christian Jones
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  On 11/8/2019 at 6:36 AM, Christian Jones said:

Right on. Is that you singing?

In the spirit of practicing completion you ought to hold yourself to that.. *checks calendar* Looks like you got 8 days. See I was easy on myself.. I hearby gave myself till the end of the year. 


Somehow I didn't get a notification that you had quoted me. That's my wife singing. 

Here's my song, by the way.


Happy Friday everyone! 

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  On 11/16/2019 at 1:54 AM, Monomox said:

Somehow I didn't get a notification that you had quoted me. That's my wife singing. 

Here's my song, by the way.


Happy Friday everyone! 


Pretty dope linkin park-ish vibe man. What octaver is on the guitar? I often use a poly octaver pedal, either the ehx micro pog or subnup. Now you gotta rap to it.. 

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