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How to freeze/bounce individual tracks in a soft synth


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Hi fellow users

I've searched quite a lot in the forums but can't find an answer to this specific challenge.

I have a Kontakt instance with around 12 different synths loaded into separate midi channels and separate output channels - guitars, individual orchestra instruments, basses, acoustic gtrs etc. The small issue I am facing is that when I have completed the edits on say a guitar and I want to freeze it before moving on to another instrument, all instruments get frozen at the same time.

Similarly when I'm running Addictive Drums 2 or any other drum sampler and want to freeze just the kick, everything else is frozen too. Not sure if this is a different challenge to the Kontakt multi's but wanted to include it just in case this is also something that has a smart solution.

Is there a smart way to prevent every instrument in Kontakt / drum sampler freezing when I only want a single track to be frozen (short of freezing all, duplicate the frozen track I have finished with, unfreeze all, archive the finished midi track - rinse and repeat)?

With so many soft synths loaded my PC sometimes gets a bit winded trying to keep up with all the processing so I habitually freeze tracks as I finalise them (audio and other midis loaded directly outside Kontakt).

Hopefully I've explained clearly enough but I'm sure you'll soon let me know if its possible or not🤞



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The freeze process operates monolithically on an instance of any multi-timbral instrument. It is not possible to isolate any particular track.

Either bounce a particular voice/channel to a new dedicated audio track in an individual pass, or insert a specific instance of Kontakt for each instrument/ voice.

Multiple instances of a VSTi engine really don't use that much more resources (other than sample ram).

Unless I specifically want to actively layer instrument voices, I gave up on Kontakt Multis many years ago.

Edited by OutrageProductions
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Thanks @OutrageProductions, do you know, I never even considered using multiple Kontakts given there were so many posts about using just the single Kontakt with multi's to save resources. I never went back to review if this was still the case. My PC has a reasonable amount of grunt (although not compared to your beast) so I guess its a trade off between usability and RAM use.


I'll give that a shot if no-one has any better suggestions.

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2 hours ago, GBTBassist said:

... I never even considered using multiple Kontakts given there were so many posts about using just the single Kontakt with multi's to save resources.

The actual "engine" of Kontakt loading an instrument is usually loaded only once (for the GUI at least) even with multiple instances (unless you have more than one open & pinned to the workspace).

What eats up the RAM/resources mostly is the instrument sounds (samples) that are loaded into it.

I run sessions with over 100+ instances of a VSTi (mostly Kontakt, but others also) wrapped in Komplete Kontrol so that I have hardware control from my keyboard, and, as long as I'm juducious about freezing synths when I'm not actively editing, have yet to experience outrageous problems.

As an experiment, create an empty project and load just one instance of Kontakt (without an instrument... ie: empty), then duplicate the track 9 times and compare the RAM usage. You'll be suprized at how little Kontakt (the engine) itself uses.

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1 hour ago, OutrageProductions said:

The actual "engine" of Kontakt loading an instrument is usually loaded only once (for the GUI at least) even with multiple instances (unless you have more than one open & pinned to the workspace).

+1 to this, definitely check it out to convince yourself. You can test it by loading as many Kontakt instances as you have instruments (sans loading the samples) and see what the Windows Performance Monitor is telling you for having multiple (empty) instances of Kontakt enabled.

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