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Izotope lockout!

Dave Maffris

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Anyone else have this happened to them? Today I was doing some recording, as usual, tired to place Neutron 4 on a track and it said I had to reauthorize it or something to that effect. Anyway, I had to login to my account, but it didn't work. I decided to change my password, and although it said it was changed, it didn't work, either. To contact support online I was prompted to login, so I couldn't do that step. I emailed support@izotope.com, and got an auto reply that they no longer provide support thru that email. I was prompted to go online to a support link and I filled out a questionnaire on the problem and provided a screenshot of my lockout message. I have NO idea why I suddenly lost access, and in fact, my Pro Suite subscription was recently renewed, so I know I'm a paid-up member, at least the funds were debited from my account on August 19th. 

If anyone has an idea of why or had this happen to them and how it was resolved, I hope you can help me, as I am a daily user of this software and am stuck without it for the time being. All my projects have a multitude of Izotope plug-ins on them, it is my primary studio tool.

Thanks in advance.

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1 hour ago, Dave Maffris said:

If anyone has an idea of why or had this happen to them and how it was resolved, I hope you can help me, as I am a daily user of this software and am stuck without it for the time being.

Do you have a Native Instruments account? If so, try to log in to iZotope using your NI credentials. As you may know, they belong to the same owner nowadays.

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46 minutes ago, Canopus said:

Do you have a Native Instruments account? If so, try to log in to iZotope using your NI credentials. As you may know, they belong to the same owner nowadays.

I had this happen and think the "solution" was an odd one. I needed to have both Native Access and the iZotope Product Portal logged into for the issue to reset for me. It seems those two apps are linked in some fashion, so the Product Portal alone wasn't resolving it. This was shortly after the merger, but may still apply in your case.

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I don’t know if this is relevant but at some point maybe a year ago the iZotope website started using a login page that is actually located at native-instruments.com, causing a problem for anyone with a password manager or just with saved passwords in their browser, unless you use the same password for both accounts. When I log in to iZotope now I always have to manually replace the password that my browser has filled in.

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I guess they've moved all of the brands' tech support under one roof. When I recently had the issue of the latest version of elysia alpha master not being able to load its factory .vstpreset files, it took me a good bit of time to figure out how to contact support for Plugin Alliance, and part of that was sending email to the old support address and getting the reply saying that I had to use the form.

I think I mentioned it in a different topic, once I filled out the form, I got a boilerplate response from a tech that indicated that he hadn't read my full description of the issue, he only pulled "presets" and "Cakewalk" out as keywords.

That's a case for keeping a license for a "Big 6" DAW current when your primary is not a Big 6 DAW: I could have been shunted before getting a resolution if I hadn't been able to parry with "it's not just Sonar, your instructions for Studio One don't work either."

(I eventually promised him I would leave him alone if he would just send me the installer for the previous version)

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5 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

once I filled out the form, I got a boilerplate response from a tech that indicated that he hadn't read my full description of the issue

SOP for most companies these days it seems.

Izotope support used to be good. I was so disappointed when I saw that they had become part of the NI clown show.

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3 hours ago, paulo said:

SOP for most companies these days it seems.

I've had okay experiences and I've had....challenging experiences.

The one that makes steam come out of my ears is when I patiently fill in their stupid form with all of the information, including the requested "detailed description" and I get a reply, possibly a series of replies, that indicates beyond a doubt that the person responding to my ticket didn't read it, rather they plucked a keyword or two out, made them into a new, simpler inquiry, and answered their made up inquiry instead of the one I actually submitted.

The worst ever was an ISP I used about 25 years ago. The email "exchanges" were so hilariously moronic I used to forward them to my friends so that we could share in the astonishment. I think what they did was send your first inquiry to one sub-literate person, then send your reply to a different one, and each iteration was the "eternal sunshine of the spotless/empty mind." Paying absolutely no attention to any previous effort to explain the issue, just continued boilerplate from a very limited palette of boilerplate. Mostly of the "restart your modem" variety. And no amount of spelling it out to them pre-emptively that I had already tried everything on their standard boilerplate menu could stop them from repeating it.

Each iteration quoted all of the previous ones, so with each support person who replied as if all of the other questions and attempted suggestions in the exchange didn't exist, they looked stupider and stupider. And I of course did not hold back from making sport of it, but at some point, you almost start to feel bad, because you're making fun of someone who is obviously....challenged, or at least behaving like they are. It had the effect of momentarily making me stop being concerned about my internet connectivity and start being concerned that these unfortunates might be allowed to do things like drive automobiles.

Good for a laugh, though.

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I tried to change my password to mirror the native one, but it didn’t work. My understanding is that they’ve blocked this as they are transitioning to a joint account database. They are using the same backend but currently with 2 separate user account databases.


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52 minutes ago, Joakim said:

I tried to change my password to mirror the native one, but it didn’t work. My understanding is that they’ve blocked this as they are transitioning to a joint account database. They are using the same backend but currently with 2 separate user account databases.


I was able to get my emails lined up by contacting Native Instruments support with a ticket.

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