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i9-12900K for new build in late 2024?


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My current "music machine" is one I built roughly a decade ago (with a few updates here and there)....an i7 quad-core Haswell, 32GB RAM,  500GB SSD for OS/software, 1TB SSD for samples and a couple 2TB platter drives for storage....video card is a GTX 560Ti that I upgraded out of my gaming/video editing machine, years ago...

I recently purchased Izotopes Ozone 11 Advanced as well as their music production suite 6.5.....and it definitely shows the age of my CPU.

So, I was originally thinking on a i9-14900K, or i7-14700K....but then all the news came out regarding the issues with what they are now saying are nearly all models of 14th AND 13th gen cpus...and even though there's a "fix", I'm still a little shy on those now.

I noticed I could get a pretty good deal on an i9-12900K...(and of course, add the MOBO, RAM, NVME SSD's, etc).....but, in the past, I typically tried to get the newest and highest I could afford, in order to "future proof" myself as much as possible, in the fast moving tech world.

Going backwards nearly 3 generations has me wondering a bit....but, the specs on the 12900K are still pretty impressive...and obviously far beyond what I currently have.....will it be viable for another 5-10 years?  (Since, unlike AMD, Intel seems to change their socket like I change my socks....at least once every couple years)

And the price for the 12900K is actually pretty nice right now... (comparatively)

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Have you researched the problem? I got a new system a couple months ago from Jim Roseberry and haven't had any problems with it. I got a 14700k. From what I've read the bug allows you to configure the chip in such a way that it fries itself. Don't configure it that way. Check that the mb manufacturer has the intel patch and load the latest bios. Intel provided a fix last month and I've seen that there will be another this month.

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The issue with 13th and 14th Gen CPUs is *grossly* exaggerated.

If you know how to configure the machine, you're not going to destroy the CPU.

If you don't know how to configure the machine, get help from someone who does.


Ryzen 9xxx series has just been released.

The 9950x offers performance identical to the 14900k... at lower TDP.

It's a great performer.

Edited by Jim Roseberry
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On 9/1/2024 at 12:02 PM, Ozz said:

.....will it be viable for another 5-10 years?

The trend I'm seeing is for computer systems to have longer and longer usable lives. Used to be if you went 3 years between upgrades you were babying it along. Now I'm seeing ones in demanding roles like DAW or video production going for 10 years.

If your tuning skills are good, they'll last even longer before being "retired" to A/V server roles.

My main system is I think one "tick" or "tock" newer than your Haswell and I find it very difficult to trip up. Plays every game I throw at it at ultra graphics, etc. I can get it to glitch if I crank the audio buffers way down, but that's about it.

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