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Why Was TTS-1 Never a VSTi?


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  • sjoens changed the title to Why Was TTS-1 Never a VSTi?

Cakewalk/12Tone never owned the TTS-1. It was created and owned by Roland, and licensed to Cakewalk. This is why it's no longer included with Sonar - it was removed from the distribution at Roland's direction.

It was implemented as a DXi because at the time that made the most sense for a Windows-based DAW, and the TTS-1 was exclusive to Sonar (Roland owned a large share of Cakewalk at the time).

The DX format offered features unavailable to VSTs, such as finer automation resolution and better preset management. Those differences are moot today, and VST has become the standard due to its universality. If Roland had designs on revamping the TTS-1 and broadening its appeal, they would certainly rewrite it as a VST. But Roland has little interest in the wider software market anymore. Channeling software development into hardware synths yields bigger profit margins, exclusivity, and no worries about software piracy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Adrian Gregory said:

Will there be a VST replacement for TTS-1?

You mean a GM soundset virtual instrument supplied by Cakewalk?

I've never seen a BandLab/Cakewalk employee even hint that there will be, and considering that the GM file format seems to have fallen off in popularity, my guess would be no.

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20 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

You mean a GM soundset virtual instrument supplied by Cakewalk?

I've never seen a BandLab/Cakewalk employee even hint that there will be, and considering that the GM file format seems to have fallen off in popularity, my guess would be no.

yep, shame, useful for playing midi files ootb

i'll bet a shiny euro their next "big" thing will be some kind of "ai" thing

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