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Sampleson CollaB3 V2 -- FREE Vintage Tonewheel Organ Emulation


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1 hour ago, southcoaststeve said:

Has anyone had any success loading the presets from v1 into v2?

I'm finding that the v1 presets are extremely quiet when I try to use them in v2.

I get no audio at all when loading a v1 preset in v2.

First, I copied them from the v1 install folder into the v2 User Presets folder. They didn't even show up in v2. So, I moved them down into the Factory Bank subfolder and they showed up, but were silent. If there's a way of scanning for new presets, I couldn't find it.

How did you get any audio at all?

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17 hours ago, southcoaststeve said:

I copied the v1 presets to the clipboard and then imported them into v2.

I've no idea how I got the audio but the v1 presets are so quiet they're useless anyway...

I've sent an email to Sampleson and will let you know if I get a response.

Maybe I needed to turn the volume of my audio interface up to the max, hard clipping range.  Looking forward to Sampleson's response. And it's not like there are a ton of presets. 13 total, 6 with v1 and 7 with v2. I would be nice to have both, but maybe with the new audio engine in v2, the v1 presets won't work.

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The reply:

"Unfortunately, it's not possible to install the factory presets from Collab V1 into V2. The two versions are designed differently, and the presets from V1 aren’t compatible with V2."


I also had this exact issue with the Dubstation delay plugin. The presets from v1 were incompatible with v2. 

Why this should be the case makes no sense to me whatsoever but as I have no experience in building plugins, that's probably not surprising.

If anyone is able to shed light on this, I would be most grateful.


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1 hour ago, southcoaststeve said:

The reply:

"Unfortunately, it's not possible to install the factory presets from Collab V1 into V2. The two versions are designed differently, and the presets from V1 aren’t compatible with V2."


I also had this exact issue with the Dubstation delay plugin. The presets from v1 were incompatible with v2. 

Why this should be the case makes no sense to me whatsoever but as I have no experience in building plugins, that's probably not surprising.

If anyone is able to shed light on this, I would be most grateful.


Thanks for the update. As I suspected, the v1 presets are incompatible with the more complex v2 plugin. The only option is to leave v1 installed along side v2 and recreate as best as possible each v1 preset sound that you like in v2 and save as a v2 user preset.

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44 minutes ago, Esteban Villanova said:

Or you could just copy the 13 presets onto v2 manually. 


Sorry, but you misunderstand the problem. The v1 presets DO NOT WORK with v2. I copied them into the v2 Factory Bank folder and v2 found them and loaded them, but the v1 presets are incompatible with v2.

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That's the great thing about drawbar organs: you can easily replicate any Hammond tone if you know the registration (drawbar positions), percussion settings (just 3 switches) and chorus/vibrato selection. I learned the settings for Whiter Shade of Pale (68860000, 2nd harmonic percussion soft+slow) from a video of a Procol Harem performance, where the camera hovered over the organ just long enough to pause the video.

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14 hours ago, bitflipper said:

That's the great thing about drawbar organs: you can easily replicate any Hammond tone if you know the registration (drawbar positions), percussion settings (just 3 switches) and chorus/vibrato selection. I learned the settings for Whiter Shade of Pale (68860000, 2nd harmonic percussion soft+slow) from a video of a Procol Harem performance, where the camera hovered over the organ just long enough to pause the video.

Cool! Thanks. I just tried those settings with the new Cherry Audio release of Blue 3. Sounds close, but not quite. What chorus and vibrato settings do you use?

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