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The mouse pointer turned into a green headphone now only one track will play.


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The mouse pointer turned into a green headphone now only one track will play.

I don't have anything soloed, or muted. None of the tracks will sound but one.

I copied some vocals tracks from this project into an earlier project and they play fine... 

Not sure what is up...

Edited by RexRed
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15 hours ago, RexRed said:

The mouse pointer turned into a green headphone now only one track will play.

I don't have anything soloed, or muted. None of the tracks will sound but one.

I copied some vocals tracks from this project into an earlier project and they play fine... 

Not sure what is up...

Sounds like you have the Scrub tool on. The "j" key is the shortcut for this. 

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Given some of your other mouse issues (timeline) which I don't think I've ever seen (and I'm not an accuratr mouser, especially when I can't be bothered to put my glasses on!), I wonder if your mouse or keyboard is playing up and generating spurious data from time to time?

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20 minutes ago, Xoo said:

Given some of your other mouse issues (timeline) which I don't think I've ever seen (and I'm not an accuratr mouser, especially when I can't be bothered to put my glasses on!), I wonder if your mouse or keyboard is playing up and generating spurious data from time to time?

You are right Xoo this was a very serious problem, The file got truncated as well, I believe. It loads and pretends to be okay.

I never got the other tracks to play. I copied and pasted what I could from the project to an older project that did not have the problem.

I was in the middle of a save when this all happened. The mouse pointer changed to a green headphone icon and would only let me into the track view the control panel area seemed locked. But the X worked and I clicked on it several times till Cakewalk closed.... (I blame Elon Musk) lol

Also, when I copied a Melodyne track (group of clips) from one project to another, the clips copied fine but, "without any of my Melodyne edits".

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Posted (edited)

Cakewalk has some "issues" they are minor, but there are always workarounds. Currently, when I open Cakewalk, the start screen likes to close unexpectedly. I just go to the file menu and open it again. But the part of the new Cakewalk Sonar that work is fantastic!!! And, it eclipses the Bandlab version 100 times over.

And if there are more midi improvements coming i.e. like a lot less latency when effects are enabled, that would be VERY GOOD!

As for waiting till Cakewalk has a paid version... I will start off with the fact that I am SPOILED ROTTEN...

I bought Cakewalk for lifetime updates and figured I would never have to pay for my DAW, ever again. How cheap of me...

Then there was Cakewalk by Bandlab that was, FREE!!!! The spoiled me even further.

I probably have 25 subscriptions I pay each month to, Amazon, Izotope, UVI, Netflix  Hulu, Microsoft, Apple, Google, YouTube, Adobe, Reverbnation... (Oh and the list goes on and on)

Why is the Cakewalk subscription so hard to swallow? Well it is not, I happily pay it along with the others. 

But  a part of me wishes I could buy Cakewalk outright again (I'm spoiled). Yet, another part of me says, but the program would suffer if it could not continually support itself.

I would rather pay a subscription than see Cakewalk fall into neglect.

Of all the subscriptions I pay for, Cakewalk is the one that I could not live without. Cakewalk is the core of my existence.

Music is my livelihood and also the source of my income and I definitely do not like any other DAW and I have tried them.

I started using Cakewalk back when MSDOS was the only version available.

Why would a World of Warcraft subscription be fine but Cakewalk not be fine?

Personally, if Cakewalk offers people the ability to buy Cakewalk  outright it would possibly weaken the program so I would oppose such a move.

I need Cakewalk robust and flourishing, I have over 500 multitrack songs locked away in Cakewalk's proprietary music system. I have a vested interest in Cakewalk being supported.

I must prioritize what is important to me and, keeping Cakewalk supported and  alive is priority one!

There is Cakewalk by Bandlab (as long as they do not keep caving in and updating that....)

I will pay the Sonar subscription gladly and the improvements are "amazing"!

Now if the supermarket would just give me food for life, and the hospitals healthcare for life and the filling station gasoline for life. lol 

Once I get the right perspective, a few buck a month for Cakewalk Sonar is just right (says Goldilocks). 🙂

If I can't afford Cakewalk well, something else will definitely go first.

Maybe, Life, Look, Time or the Saturday Evening Post....

Edited by RexRed
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6 hours ago, Jonathan Sasor said:

Sounds like you have the Scrub tool on. The "j" key is the shortcut for this. 

Yea, the scrub key, that is it! Not sure if that fixed my project though.

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1 hour ago, RexRed said:

Why would a World of Warcraft subscription be fine but Cakewalk not be fine?

At the risk of opening a can of worms, I have a theory about that.

WoW and Hulu are entertainment. Sonar is an instrument.

I think a lot of people see their music software as an instrument. I know I do. At the moment, for a variety of reasons, I am not playing my physical instruments such as guitar, bass, and drums, so the DAW is it. Musical instruments are personal things that we cherish as the tools for our creativity. Musicians may rent instruments in certain situations, but it's very unusual for a musician not to own instruments.

As such, we have a deep-seated desire to "own" our music (and in my case and your case, video) software. Whether it makes sense financially in the long run, given paying for upgrades, etc.

That's why I would love to see a "hybrid" Sonar subscription, where after the first year, the user is entitled to a perpetual license if they choose not to continue their subscription.

Such a plan has the double benefit of exposing the subscriber to the extended benefits of the subscription, while still providing the security blanket of entitlement to a perpetual license should the person decide or become unable to continue with the subscription.

I know I'm walking in a minefield here by discussing licensing models, but it's not in the spirit of a raised pitchfork complaint. Merely musing on why some folks may be uncomfortable not owning a perpetual license and expressing hope for the future of Sonar licensing.

So please don't anyone jump in with grumpiness about the current licensing plan. We already know that there are many people who want a perpetual license, many people who will only  accept that licensing model. No need to rehash that. What we have now is what we have now. Cakewalk by BandLab is free and Sonar is only available via a paid membership. Time will tell if the situation is permanent, and there's nothing we can do in this forum to influence the outcome.

Edited by Starship Krupa
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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

At the risk of opening a can of worms, I have a theory about that.

WoW and Hulu are entertainment. Sonar is an instrument.

I think a lot of people see their music software as an instrument. I know I do. At the moment, for a variety of reasons, I am not playing my physical instruments such as guitar, bass, and drums, so the DAW is it. Musical instruments are personal things that we cherish as the tools for our creativity. Musicians may rent instruments in certain situations, but it's very unusual for a musician not to own instruments.

As such, we have a deep-seated desire to "own" our music (and in my case and your case, video) software. Whether it makes sense financially in the long run, given paying for upgrades, etc.

That's why I would love to see a "hybrid" Sonar subscription, where after the first year, the user is entitled to a perpetual license if they choose not to continue their subscription.

Such a plan has the double benefit of exposing the subscriber to the extended benefits of the subscription, while still providing the security blanket of entitlement to a perpetual license should the person decide or become unable to continue with the subscription.

I know I'm walking in a minefield here by discussing licensing models, but it's not in the spirit of a raised pitchfork complaint. Merely musing on why some folks may be uncomfortable not owning a perpetual license and expressing hope for the future of Sonar licensing.

So please don't anyone jump in with grumpiness about the current licensing plan. We already know that there are many people who want a perpetual license, many people who will only  accept that licensing model. No need to rehash that. What we have now is what we have now. Cakewalk by BandLab is free and Sonar is only available via a paid membership. Time will tell if the situation is permanent, and there's nothing we can do in this forum to influence the outcome.

Many career gamers use games as an instrument to perform live art. Some games you buy outright and some you pay-per-play.

The ones you pay-per-play seem to stick around longer, they are developed and evolve over time.

Some games are free and are developed through the purchases of in-game assets.  

I am reminded of an episode of Gilligan's Island when the professor made some candles and sold them to the other islanders.

The islanders brought the candles back complaining that the candles he sold them had no wicks. The professor exclaimed, "Oh, but the wicks will cost you extra!". 

I agree, owning Cakewalk is a security, but everything is dependent on something else. Guitars need a lifetime supply of strings, wood, a repair person when the wood gets old and needs replacing, guitar pics, polish, tools to maintain it. Now you could buy a forest to replenish the wood in the guitar and mine to get metals and smelting, metallurgy skill to make new strings all so you can own the entire guitar's "security"  lock, stock and barrel.

At some point we need to rely on others and trust them in a mutual partnership. It takes a village, not just any village but a village that shares the right skillset for your needs.

Samples we use for songs we want to own them but some samples are "songs" these songs come with dual ownership. We rent them with a user agreement.

Craftsman tools come with a lifetime manufacturer's warranty, if one breaks you can get a replacement.

But Home Depot will rent tools to you or sell you Craftsman tools. Automobiles require new tools these days rendering the old tools obsolete. New tools may only work with a certain model and make, why buy them for only one use?

Why buy a new "tool" when in a year it can become obsolete and not work with technology? Obsolescence is not a good strategy for security.

At the essence of all of this is profitability of the product, without profitability, principle cannot be turned around and reinvested into the product for development. 

Subscription models create great profitability and profitability yields a better product as long as the profit is reinvested wisely back into the product.

On the other hand, without profitability a product will over time lose value.

Cakewalk is a dynamic thing. It requires constant updating and development.

It is also a standard, where, when everyone has the same version, one project will load in another installation.

Cakewalk benefits from constant development of one version and standard for all.

When there are too many standards, then consumers lose.

Currently there are only two widely used standards of Cakewalk in the wild, one static standard CBB and one dynamic standard CS. 

This is a highly beneficial model for artists.

With both models respectively, collaboration is universal. For the new dynamic model of Sonar, developers have a universal, changing landscape with which to create new standards in unison with the current market.

As other DAWs adopt this model, healthy competition will hopefully make the choices as affordable as possible for artists.

What is best for consumers and Cakewalk? A highly affordable, universal model is best.

You can cancel at any time and you generally own the music you make with it.   

Your projects benefit most from the vitality of Cakewalk's development.

And Cakewalk is always ready to adopt new technologies into its skillsets. 

We all must weigh security with compatibility.

Compatibility is also security.  When an old version of Cakewalk is no longer compatible with new technology then "security" is lost.

Cakewalk exists within a dynamic ecosystem and must be able to change with it.

Compatibility is security.

Cakewalk is optimized to work with the new efficiency and power cores. Each new release fixes bugs for everyone across the board. 

This is also security

Continuing to load legacy projects as well. Everyone wins together, we all get wicks for our candles! 😄  

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On 8/29/2024 at 12:20 PM, pwalpwal said:

yeah you just blew 3k on a video card! 🤪

I actually use this video card every day for work and it has doubled my productivity.

I own around $20.000 worth of 3d models and have a paying job doing 3D art. It pays my bills...

Some of us have uses for video cards other than playing games with them. And some gamers earn a living playing games.

The day the 5090 comes out I will try and buy one of those as well.

And I paid under 2k for the 4090 card.

About what my REM Fireface UCX II audio interface cost.

Why have inferior tools to earn a living with? Is that spoiled or a good business investment?

Why use a club when you need a hammer?

Why use pliers when you need a wrench?

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On 8/29/2024 at 11:57 AM, Terry Kelley said:

Rehash mode off.

You don't have to read it...

I am sure you can learn something from someone who has used Cakewalk since MSDOS

And has over 500 songs...

My music on YouTube is currently up to 100,000,000 plays.

Show some respect please.

If I can take the time out of my life to write and post this here the least you can do is have some decorum.


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1 hour ago, RexRed said:

You don't have to read it...

I am sure you can learn something from someone who has used Cakewalk since MSDOS

And has over 500 songs...

My music on YouTube is currently up to 100,000,000 plays.

Show some respect please.

If I can take the time out of my life to write and post this here the least you can do is have some decorum.


I was talking about me because I was starting to rehash the argument.

Edited by Terry Kelley
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1 hour ago, Terry Kelley said:

I was talking about me because I was starting to rehash the argument.

I enjoy when people rehash things, it helps me learn them better.

I am sorry for the misunderstanding on my part. I took your comment the wrong way.

I wish I was not so reactionary in such times as these.

I am sure I can learn from you, and your opinion is valuable to me.

Speak your mind... 🙂

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