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[SOLVED] Sonar can "see" my Keylab MkII MIDI keyboard; Cakewalk can not...

Colin Nicholls

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It helps to turn on power to the Arturia Keylab before opening Cakewalk By Bandlab.

Cakewalk sees it just fine. I, however, am an idiot.


Is there a setting in Cakewalk By Bandlab I need to enable in order for the Preferences/MIDI Devices to see the Keylab MkII as a MIDI source?

Sonar seems to just "see" it automatically.

Perhaps this is a new feature in Sonar that Cakewalk doesn't have?

Any advice gratefully received.


Edited by Colin Nicholls
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  • Colin Nicholls changed the title to [SOLVED] Sonar can "see" my Keylab MkII MIDI keyboard; Cakewalk can not...

in the past, if i had left my keyboard off, launched CbB, and then realized it was off, i would switch it on, wait a minute, then check preferences to see if it was checked or not. most times it would be checked unless i inadvertantly closed the warning about no midi device etc... Sonar seems to handle it for me - if the device is in preferences and it's off, it will be unchecked, when i turn it on, wait a minute, then see the device is checked, and i'm good. so even without opening the preferences, if i forget, and turn it on, then wait a minute for the things to be recognized etc, it just works.

glad you have yours working now.

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