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Like a Moth to a Flame


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I wrote some of this when I was but a young 20 year old, banging away on the piano. It laid dormant for years until I heard it on an old cassette a couple of years back. I started work on it, coming up with the acoustic guitar part that added a bunch of finger picking around the basic chords. I released it probably in 2016 time frame. After that, I kind of felt embarrassed a little bit, because I don’t write that kind of lyric very much, and it is the sentiment of a much younger man. I buried it, pulled it down off of Spotify and figured it would just languish on the garbage heap of my personal history.

A few months ago, I thought about it again and figured that I liked the chord structure, so I should probably write a new lyric. I pulled it into Cakewalk Sonar and started reworking some of the tracks. I quite liked a lot of what was going on, and I made it better by redoing a few things.

It got about time to rewrite the lyrics, and by that time I was thinking that I didn’t mind the current version that much and it was pretty cool as it was. So the Hell with it, I am going to release it again, and I am not going to be embarrassed by it, I think it is pretty cool for the genre that it is. And so what, I’m older now. So what! So WHAT!





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Do I recognize the feeling of written lyrics some years ago? 🙂 Nice harmonies with awesome chord progressions and catchy melodies. A lot going on here, still good as it is, it would be interesting to hear a somewhat down beat version. 

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As someone who recently re-worked a song I wrote in my late teens, I recognise the lyrical dilemma (do you leave them as they were written or re-work them)?

I decided to retain my teenage angst and lyrical naivety, I'm glad you came to the same conclusion.

You should look back on this with pride - great chord changes and some nice guitar work too - much to like.


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7 hours ago, equality said:

Do I recognize the feeling of written lyrics some years ago? 🙂 Nice harmonies with awesome chord progressions and catchy melodies. A lot going on here, still good as it is, it would be interesting to hear a somewhat down beat version. 

Absolutely. You know its a concern when you think 'what will my wife think of this?  Has he got a 17 year old on the side?'  Oh well. I think it sounds good and it's just going to have to stay like it is.  Thank you for stopping by!



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47 minutes ago, AndyB01 said:

As someone who recently re-worked a song I wrote in my late teens, I recognise the lyrical dilemma (do you leave them as they were written or re-work them)?

I decided to retain my teenage angst and lyrical naivety, I'm glad you came to the same conclusion.

You should look back on this with pride - great chord changes and some nice guitar work too - much to like.


Thanks Andy!  Yeah It's done now.  What's done is done and that will have to be how it stands.



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