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[FIXED] Odd Clip Behavior When Right-clicking


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You're supposed to get a dropdown menu when right-clicking on a group of selected clips.

Instead I get this?!:   Click OK and the dropdown menu appears.  Click Cancel and this window reappears 3 times before the dropdown menu appears. O.oO.oO.o


1. I don't even have 32bit AD2 installed... so

2. How is this error being invoked?

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Looks like something is corrupt with your VST scan tree in the registry.

I once had some plugin weirdness. (in my case, the scan button in preferences and the plugin layout manager was greyed out)

Even going to Preferences - File - VST Settings and doing a RESET did not fix it.

I ended up going to the registry and deleting the entire VST inventory.  Then I did the RESET then scan to fix it. (I believe that rebuilds the VST inventory from scratch.  That fixed it.

First this I would try in you case is to go to Preferences - File - VST Settings and do a RESET then scan.

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I already did that for another issue so I will try your 1st idea.  BTW, it also happens when right-clicking on an audio track FX bin to insert an FX. :S

Do you remember the registry path for the VST inventory?

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11 hours ago, sjoens said:

I already did that for another issue so I will try your 1st idea.  BTW, it also happens when right-clicking on an audio track FX bin to insert an FX. :S

Do you remember the registry path for the VST inventory?

On my system:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory

Obviously, export this key to a reg file before doing anything.....  And remember, this might not even work for you.

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Reset Registry:
1. Deleted registry vst inventory
2. Reset plugins in Preferences
3. Scanned plugins
     (For years it has been normal behavior for it to scan the same plugins more than onceO.o)
4. Registry inventory is restored
5. Open CbB and create New Project and right-click the FX Bin
6. Right-click issue persists
    a. Why is it throwing a plugin error immediately when right-clicking FX Bin or audio clip?
    b. Why in the world is the error about a plugin that never existed on this system?

The error only occurs the 1st time right-click is used this way in a project.

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14 minutes ago, sjoens said:

    a. Why is it throwing a plugin error immediately when right-clicking FX Bin or audio clip?
    b. Why in the world is the error about a plugin that never existed on this system?

The error only occurs the 1st time right-click is used this way in a project.

Beats me.....

Maybe your default startup project template is corrupted.

Have you tried New Project, but choose “No tracks or Buses”.  The create an audio track and then right-click its FX.

You might want to flick an email to support@Cakewalk.com.

Be prepared for them to tell you to do a clean reinstall of Cakewalk.



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So why don't I restore windows to an earlier date???

Sure enough, I reset it to 2 days ago and problem gone, so far... hopefully very far. :P  Looking at the list of affected apps it was likely a Windows update or Native Access, which has a host of it's own issues not working.

Thanks for helping out Promidi!

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  • sjoens changed the title to [FIXED] Odd Clip Behavior When Right-clicking

i fixed several of my apps (not just my DAWs) because something in the last Windows update screwed up some runtimes - when my Sketchup Pro crashed, it launched a lookup for the error code and apparently was widespread enough that they had detailed steps on reinstalling the MS runtimes. after that, everything was stable again.

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  • sjoens changed the title to [not FIXED] Odd Clip Behavior When Right-clicking
40 minutes ago, sjoens said:

This seems to be an Addictive Drums issue.  After reinstalling AD2, it no longer shows up in the Insert Audio FX menu (described here), but the warning above is back the 1st time right-click is used.  So not FIXED.


I have had AD2 since it was released with Splat and have never had your issue here

Are you using the latest version of the AD2 installer (which is 4.12)?

I guess you would be because when you run an outdated XLN installer, it auto-updates itself (well it does on mine). I also used this opportunity to update AD2.

I am going to assume that you have configured the correct paths for the VST3 and DLL file in the XLN installer.

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  • sjoens changed the title to [FIXED] Odd Clip Behavior When Right-clicking

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