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Installed synths not found in Synth Rack of existing projects

Cobus Prinsloo


Hi, I had to go through the immense pain of having to reinstall everything after a hard drive failure.

I installed all my synth plugins, but for some reason, if I open a project, it cannot find them! If you look at my screen grab, Analog Lab v is one of a few that are installed, yet it is missing in the Synth Rack. If I remembered every instrument that I used in these "missing" synths, I would have just loaded them for new, and reassigned them to the tracks, but there are quite a few instances of some of them.

Is there a way to fix this?

Analog Lab.PNG

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Did you install the VST2 and VST3 versions of given synths.  If you only installed one iteration if given synths, your project might have used another.  Maybe your projects needs VST2 when only VST3 is available for example.

Also, in Preferences - File - VST setting, you might want to deselect the options “Hide Related VST2 Plug-Ins”, and “Replace If Possible on Project Load” - see if that makes a difference.

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It could be that some of your plugins are using the new "put the plugin in a .vst3 subfolder" structure that Steinberg now recommend.

Although Cakewalk's VST Scanner has been fixed to work with the new structure for Sonar, the new version of the VST Scanner wasn't packaged with the last version of CbB.

I believe there will be a new CbB update fairly soon, and the new scanner will be bundled with that when it's released, but in the meantime you can download it here:


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3 hours ago, msmcleod said:

I believe there will be a new CbB update fairly soon, and the new scanner will be bundled with that when it's released, but in the meantime you can download it here:

I downloaded the file from the link supplied, and attached a snapshot of its properties to ensure it's the latest. So I just copied it into the "Shared Utilities" folder and that's it? If that's the case, then I'm afraid it didn't make any difference.

vst s.PNG

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