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What are Markers linked to (and do they have to be?)

Roy Slough


Please excuse if this is a stupid question......
Please confirm that when I create Markers they are based on the measures created in the tempo track and if I change either the tempo or the measures in the temp track it will move the markers.

The reason behind this is I am importing another song and trying to set the tempo, measures, markers for verses, chorus, mid 8 etc.
I suspect occasionally the "artist" has played some 6 beat bars (or added a two beat measure) for expression with the guitar.  If when I am analysing the track I return to an earlier section and change either the tempo, or the measure (e.g. 6/4 or insert a 2/4)  the later Markers are incorrect . 
Can I fix the markers to an audio track so they do not move around when I "play" with the tempo or must I reposition later markers if I change such things in the tempo track.

I have asked questions about tempo before and know about SM/BAN, I can get the tempo (i.e. Speed of beat) correct but if the song does not stick to 4/4 it is proving frustrating and difficult to create good midi tracks.



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