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MOK Miniraze($49) for free

Rave Sbor

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This info initially appeared on BPB.



We've teamed up with the fine folks at MOK  to bring you an exclusive Patreon gift - a Free copy of their Miniraze dual oscillator wave-slicing synth.



Not only that but we've also got a 20% discount code for the FILTRYG dual filter performance effects plug-in.,

Use the same instructions as above and use the code:

Instructions on how to redeem your FREE ODE: (*you have until Sept 30th 2024 to redeem)

To use the redeem code:
1. Navigate to: https://mok.com/redeem.php
2. Enter your Coupon Code and MOK account info (or create a new account if you don't have one already)
3. Installers can be downloaded from "My MOK Account" in the section "My Software Products"
4. When you first run the plugin, you will enter your MOK account information in the Settings-Registration (gear icon) to authorize the plugin


Edited by Rave Sbor
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  • Rave Sbor changed the title to MOK Miniraze($49) for free
25 minutes ago, Luc said:

I missed it at first as well!

It's common practice to have a link to the sign-up page from the log-in page. Like "No account yet? Click here to sign up". That's what I expected.
Signing up from my smartphone was a nightmare. First, you don't see the minimum requirements for the password until you submit the form. Then the captcha generated a new set of characters without me noticing. So it failed again. Corrected the captcha. Fail again: It had removed my password after the failed attempt. Finally got everything right, got redirected to an invalid URL. No confirmation mail. And wasn't able to log in with my chosen password. Tried "forgotten password", received no email.

So I signed up again, this time from my computer. It was a little better. Here I got redirected correctly. But again no confirmation mail. Was able to log in though. The whole website gives me little trust in the company. I don't know Miniraze. Is it any good? Should I even bother installing it?

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10 minutes ago, audioschmaudio said:

It's common practice to have a link to the sign-up page from the log-in page. Like "No account yet? Click here to sign up". That's what I expected.
Signing up from my smartphone was a nightmare. First, you don't see the minimum requirements for the password until you submit the form. Then the captcha generated a new set of characters without me noticing. So it failed again. Corrected the captcha. Fail again: It had removed my password after the failed attempt. Finally got everything right, got redirected to an invalid URL. No confirmation mail. And wasn't able to log in with my chosen password. Tried "forgotten password", received no email.

So I signed up again, this time from my computer. It was a little better. Here I got redirected correctly. But again no confirmation mail. Was able to log in though. The whole website gives me little trust in the company. I don't know Miniraze. Is it any good? Should I even bother installing it?

Not working for me. I faced problems during plugin scannig on Cakewalk, Reaper and FL. Its a pity .

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