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Need Help With Instrument Definitions



I did this before with a definition file for another instrument and it worked. I added it to the MASTER.INS

WIth this one I tried to import it and it did import but when I set the define , the patches do not show on the channel as shown.

Do I need to manually add it to the MASTER.INS? That didn't work for me either.

Wondering if there there something wrong with the file data for this instrument or something (attached).  Why is this so complicated?





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I have no experience with the JUNO-DS, but I did notice that the Bank you have selected (2176) isn't listed in the definition.


[Roland JUNO-DS-Patch]

Control=Roland Controllers

Patch[11136]=JUNO-DS User 501-628
Patch[11200]=JUNO-DS PRESET 1-128
Patch[11201]=JUNO-DS PRESET 129-256
Patch[11202]=JUNO-DS PRESET 257-384
Patch[11203]=JUNO-DS PRESET 385-512
Patch[11204]=JUNO-DS PRESET 513-640
Patch[11205]=JUNO-DS PRESET 641-768
Patch[11206]=JUNO-DS PRESET 769-896
Patch[11207]=JUNO-DS PRESET 897-1024
Patch[11208]=JUNO-DS PRESET 1025-1082
Patch[15488]=JUNO-DS GM2 Capital
Patch[15489]=JUNO-DS GM2 Var #1
Patch[15490]=JUNO-DS GM2 Var #2
Patch[15491]=JUNO-DS GM2 Var #3
Patch[15492]=JUNO-DS GM2 Var #4
Patch[15493]=JUNO-DS GM2 Var #5
Patch[15494]=JUNO-DS GM2 Var #6
Patch[15495]=JUNO-DS GM2 Var #7
Patch[15496]=JUNO-DS GM2 Var #8
Patch[15497]=JUNO-DS GM2 Var #9
Patch[11209]=JUNO-DS DS PRESET 1-128
Patch[11210]=JUNO-DS DS PRESET 129-184

It's been a while since I used bank switching, but it seems to me that (1) if the JUNO-DS instrument definition is available to Cakewalk (Individually or as apart of a Master file) and (2) has been assigned to the desired MIDI Channels, you would need to have (3) a listed Bank selected that points to the name of the list of presets for the bank you are using.

If the correct bank numbers are not listed in the [ B ] ank Track Control Widget, to me that says Cakewalk is not seeing the JUNO-DS Instrument Definition.

If the Bank numbers are listed, are the correct presets listed when you select a proper bank (e.g., the ones in the Patch[nnnnn] list?

NOTE: I defer to other users (1) who use the JUNO-DS and/or (2) who have worked with bank switching and instrument definitions more recently than I have. 

Edited by User 905133
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17 minutes ago, alan933 said:

And it seems after deleting the EMU from the define list the patches are still in there. !

After importing the Roland DS ins file   , none of the patches are there. !!??

What how? huh?

Not sure how that could have happened.   A few minutes ago I used my P2500 custom instrument definition to double check my memory on how the bank switching is done with the Track Control Widgets.  Assuming you have a P2500 connected, do the correct patches show up on a P2500 track? 

I used Notepad to edit definitions and then cut and pasted those into a master MySONAR.ins file.     Not sure how you got E-Mu data showing up for the JUNO.

I never used the Import feature, but I will try to import your JUNO-DS file to see if it scrambles anything on my PC.  

Edited by User 905133
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46 minutes ago, User 905133 said:

I never used the Import feature, but I will try to import your JUNO-DS file to see if it scrambles anything on my PC.  


  1. Open the Preferences > MIDI > Instruments configuration wizard.
  2. Click Define Button.
  3. Click Import Button.
  4. Navigate to Roland-Juno-DS-200.ins file, select it, click Open in the file selection dialog.
  5. Add both Roland Juno-DS-Drums and Roland JUNO-DS-Patch.
  6. Press Close.

PART II: Assign

  1. From Preferences > MIDI > Instruments configuration wizard, choose desired MIDI Device & Channels
    • I usually do all 16 channels for the Desired Device/Port since most of my gear is multitimbral.
    • So, I chose Device Port 1, all 16 channels.
  2. Assign all those Output/Channels to Use Roland JUNO-DS-Patch 
    • Save Changes for Next Session is enabled [checked]
  3. Press Define.
  4. When Define Instruments and Names Wizard shows up press Close as many times as need to exit the Assignment Wizard.

PART III: That's basically it except to double check the track control widgets and set to desired bank.

  • [ O ] = the correct MIDI Device / Port
  • [ C ] = 1: Roland JUNO-DS-Patch
  • [ B ] = 0: Gener  > None
    • UH OH - not what I expected

NOTE: I tried a number of things and the Bank numbers I was expecting do not show up in the [ B ] widget drop down.  If someone else can explain this and how to get the Wizard to work if you solve it, great.  If not, I will try editing the definition you posted manually.

Edited by User 905133
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OK this older file shows up correctly in Cakewalk with patch names on [B]

But this is not accurate with my keyboard, this is an INS editing issue and it will take me some time to figure out on my own.

And to dispel other confusion on my previous post, the EMU patch names are part of a total list of patch names, if scroll down it shows other instruments.
Once that EMU define is deleted and data is removed from Master.ins file it goes away.
Figured that out anyway.


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3 minutes ago, alan933 said:

I think this section of the INS file is wrong. I changed the patches according to the manual as this was an older file. 

Editing this is a brain drain as I don't fully understand the number system


Thanks.  Along the way, I was wondering if the ins file was correct. I have to do some other things today, but don't mind sticking with this if its not solved before I have a chance to get back to it.  I have done stuff with earlier Rolands (MT-32, CA-30, CM-64, RA-30, U-220, M-GS64, maybe some others I forgot about. If you can post a link to the ROLAND JUNO-DS manual(s) I can take a look.  Are there other ins files for it on line? 

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14 minutes ago, alan933 said:

OK this older file shows up correctly in Cakewalk with patch names on [B]

But this is not accurate with my keyboard, this is an INS editing issue and it will take me some time to figure out on my own.

Roland-Juno-DS.ins 35.12 kB · 0 downloads

Good news--that you have an ins file that does work within Cakewalk.  Later I will give this one a try.**

I have been thinking of setting up my home studio my old hardware modules, so working on the JUNO-DS issue should help me out. At a minimum, it reminds of what I used to do.

**UPDATE:  Yup.  That one works as expected within Cakewalk/Sonar.  The time spent on this has been worthwhile for me.  I hand-compiled my P2500 definitions, but didn't dare try setting them up for the Sampler because of the massive undertaking it would be.  Spending the time today with the Import Wizard has given me some ideas that should help.

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