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Question about subscription policy and prices


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I've just installed Cakewalk Sonar. There were 3 subscription options: 3-day-trial, monthly payment, and yearly payment with a discount.

I have chosen the 3-day-trial and entered my PayPal account data. Once the 3-days expire, how can I move to the one year subscription? I do not see any option at my membership page.

Where is the online public information of the prices? I cannot find it.

At my subscription page it says: "Price after: $14.95 + tax". How can I know how the final price? I do not live in the USA, I don't know how much is the tax or if I have to pay it.

Will I be able to use Cakewalk Bandlab at both my desktop and my laptop?

I've heard that there is a promotion for "brand new users". Is there any promotion for long-time users? I have been continuously using Cakewalk since the Twelve Tone MIDI sequencer for MS-DOS in 1988. Would I get that promotion if I create a new account with another email address? (I have not uploaded any contents to Bandlab, so that doesn't bother me)


Edited by ManuelGuerrero
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25 minutes ago, Piing said:

Will I be able to use Cakewalk Bandlab at both my desktop and my laptop?

Yes, no problem there. I am running Sonar on two systems. 
As to the 3 day trial; IIRC, I agreed to the monthly payment when I started the trial. I have since remained on the monthly plan. Trying to take advantage of one of the discounted yearly plans I was advised to “cancel” my subscription (Sonar continued working just fine, meaning I could save my work) but I could not purchase the yearly until my monthly expired. Well in my case the “offer” expired before my existing monthly, and I missed it (frustrating, but that’s a different discussion).

My advice, and I hope I’m right. Cancel now, Sonar should continue to work (by “work” I mean you can save your projects). Whether or not you will be offered the discounted price after your 3 day expires? That remains a mystery. Keep us in the loop!


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2 hours ago, Piing said:

I've just installed Cakewalk Sonar. There were 3 subscription options: 3-day-trial, monthly payment, and yearly payment with a discount.

I have chosen the 3-day-trial and entered my PayPal account data. Once the 3-days expire, how can I move to the one year subscription? I do not see any option at my membership page.

Where is the online public information of the prices? I cannot find it.

At my subscription page it says: "Price after: $14.95 + tax". How can I know how the final price? I do not live in the USA, I don't know how much is the tax or if I have to pay it.

Will I be able to use Cakewalk Bandlab at both my desktop and my laptop?

I've heard that there is a promotion for "brand new users". Is there any promotion for long-time users? I have been continuously using Cakewalk since the Twelve Tone MIDI sequencer for MS-DOS in 1988. Would I get that promotion if I create a new account with another email address? (I have not uploaded any contents to Bandlab, so that doesn't bother me)


Your best bet for questions about the actual purchase point would be to contact support directly through https://help.cakewalk.com/

You'll be able to use both Sonar and CbB if you're a subscriber and Sonar will work fine on both of your machines. 

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