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Coffee House Legend reveals that he uses more than one DAW....


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16 minutes ago, Artie Choke said:

Those other DAWs wouldn't be SO and the R word would they?

In other News, Larry has Left the building

AL will probably be my next.

And, the second part, if true, is very depressing!

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I'm sure you would have gotten the news and are just playing coy.

As for the first part, Ableton Live? I didn't see you as a Ableton Live type dude, but perhaps I have misunderstood Ableton Live. 

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5 hours ago, Artie Choke said:

I'm sure you would have gotten the news and are just playing coy.

As for the first part, Ableton Live? I didn't see you as a Ableton Live type dude, but perhaps I have misunderstood Ableton Live. 

I want to do a lot of synth stuff in the box (I have pretty much zero room) then play guitar over it.  Lots of guys doing this!  Heh, I'll be in a livestream in 15 minutes at 2 am my time on just this topic!  Old members from here often attend (it's hosted by Andy, aka Synkrotron, who I've known from here for about 18 years now!).  The Wookiee (a current mod here) is already on as well.


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I see the censorship is alive and well in this thread as well. Yes I know you are mates with Wookiee, I remember seeing a pic of you 2 or 3 at some shin dig, seeing as my other post was removed, all I'll say is beware at the fair.

Edited by Artie Choke
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14 minutes ago, Artie Choke said:

I see the censorship is alive and well in this thread as well. Yes I know you are mates with Wookiee, I remember seeing a pic of you 2 or 3 at some shin dig, seeing as my other post was removed, all I'll say is beware at the fair.

When making statements be sure of your facts, this is my first time seeing and only interaction in this thread, consequently I have absolutely know idea of what you are accusing me of doing. 

Care to explain? 

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