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A few problems to report

Max Arwood

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1) Closed a song hit file open - File open reverting to Appdata\roaming\cakewalk\sonar 
Instead of where it is in the folders setup

2) After a few hours working on a song, the space bar quit working. Also, shift-F and CTRL-Shift H and Shift-H quit working. 

3) 07-20-2024 I had a song open and had been working on it a little while. I went and loaded up Open Office Calc. 
When I went back to Sonar the Cursor Vanished (Was invisible) I haven't seen this one in a long time.

4) 07-20-2024
Sonar Vanished - I was working on a kick drum and all of a sudden the whole program vanished!

No dump file nothing


I have not been using Sonar too much. I was kind of waiting till the rough edges were polished. The graphics look better after the bakers did some work on it.

I will report this with the problem reporter.

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21 hours ago, Max Arwood said:

1) Closed a song hit file open - File open reverting to Appdata\roaming\cakewalk\sonar 
Instead of where it is in the folders setup

2) After a few hours working on a song, the space bar quit working. Also, shift-F and CTRL-Shift H and Shift-H quit working. 

3) 07-20-2024 I had a song open and had been working on it a little while. I went and loaded up Open Office Calc. 
When I went back to Sonar the Cursor Vanished (Was invisible) I haven't seen this one in a long time.

4) 07-20-2024
Sonar Vanished - I was working on a kick drum and all of a sudden the whole program vanished!

No dump file nothing


I have not been using Sonar too much. I was kind of waiting till the rough edges were polished. The graphics look better after the bakers did some work on it.

I will report this with the problem reporter.

It sounds like several unrelated issues happening at once.

1) Sounds like a program corruption something has corrupted your install maybe accidentally dragging a Cakewalk system folder into another place. 

2) Same issue as 1 ( a complete reinstall may be needed, delete old cakewalk folders and install fresh.)

3) Sounds like a graphics driver issue.

4) Can happen when a VST is not perfectly compatible or you overload the system. Any program will sometimes shut when the system is overloaded.

All of this can happen when when a VST is not compatible. An incompatible VST can overload and corrupt the system.

Disable a large portion of your VSTs and see if the issues go away.

VSTs you hardly ever use should always be disabled for system stability. Try disabling VSTs first. 

I use Cakewalk Sonar quite vigorously and none of this ever happens to me.  (Other than Melodyne, which can make Cakewalk sometimes mysteriously vanish.)

Also, loading a really old project can cause this corruption. If so, export all of your wave files and import them into a "new" template project.

Edited by RexRed
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15 hours ago, RexRed said:

3) Sounds like a graphics driver issue.

If I leave Sonar open overnight, and the monitor goes to sleep, when I come back Sonar's playback cursor will have disappeared. I can play, rewind, whatever, and the playback cursor just sits there.

I haven't reported it because it seemed a bit obscure and "doctor it hurts when I do this," but from day 1 using Cakewalk by BandLab, the program hasn't been the best at keeping control of the playhead. I could make the first version of CbB wig out just by alt-tabbing to another program then dragging the main window. Cakewalk would be in one place on the screen, with the playback cursor merrily cruising along all by itself where the Cakewalk window used to be.

They fixed this within the first couple of updates, but over the years I've noticed odd non-fatal behavior from time to time having to do with the program losing control of its cursor. Nothing I considered worth reporting.

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4 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

If I leave Sonar open overnight, and the monitor goes to sleep, when I come back Sonar's playback cursor will have disappeared. I can play, rewind, whatever, and the playback cursor just sits there.

I haven't reported it because it seemed a bit obscure and "doctor it hurts when I do this," but from day 1 using Cakewalk by BandLab, the program hasn't been the best at keeping control of the playhead. I could make the first version of CbB wig out just by alt-tabbing to another program then dragging the main window. Cakewalk would be in one place on the screen, with the playback cursor merrily cruising along all by itself where the Cakewalk window used to be.

They fixed this within the first couple of updates, but over the years I've noticed odd non-fatal behavior from time to time having to do with the program losing control of its cursor. Nothing I considered worth reporting.

I have noticed the playhead being glitchy once (I assume you are talking about the vertical line that follows the project when you hit play). The vertical line disappeared on me once and I had to restart the project to get it to come back. It seemed to only appear over the ruler and nowhere else. 

I have no idea if it is a graphics driver or Cakewalk or Windows at fault. I do have a touch monitor hooked up to my machine as well as a regular LCD monitor. I may have stepped away and come back to this problem, I do not remember what I was doing at the time but probably a myriad of old VSTs in the project.

I there has also been the issue of on rare occasions the graphics just not working right when I hit play. The graphics will stutter and jerk along and restarting Cakewalk will fix this.

This happened to Cakewalk By Bandlab as well, so Cakewalk loses full connection to the graphics card somehow.

 The fact that my VSTs are  are now tiny imperceptible little boxes that I can barely see when they open is a rub for me. ... and, enable Plugin DPI awareness, does not fix it in many cases (makes the problem worse).

Please Cakewalk, do not come out with yet another version of Cakewalk for, say, "beginners" etc... Fix the version that is your flagship, make it right. I am not happy that Next was even made considering the issues still resident in Cakewalk.

I still have problems with Melodyne integration in Cakewalk. Melodyne and Cakewalk do not fully communicate and I have documented that problem in several threads and I wish it had been fixed before some of the other implemented "features", which I will probably never use.

There has been a new update to Melodyne and several for Cakewalk and I have not had a chance to test if this problem with Melodyne has been fixed so I remain reserved about it.

I have had Cakewalk Next installed since I installed Cakewalk Sonar and I have not even opened the program once.    

I might stress that this is why we need more people to adopt use of the new Cakewalk Sonar so the team that programs Sonar can grow and become more robust.

It is disconcerting thinking that this new Cakewalk Next was created and my fear is it draws valuable programming time away from fixing what seems to be long-term problems with Cakewalk Sonar.

Please people, adopt the new Cakewalk Sonar as your DAW. Pay for it and support Cakewalk fully. The problems in Cakewalk were brought on years ago by the fault of the pirates and people unwilling to fund this marvelous DAW.

Now we have the world's best DAW still plagued by long-term issues.

Programmers, focus on Cakewalk Sonar please and leave Cakewalk Next with Cakewalk by Bandlab. (MHO)  

And, you people freeloading off Cakewalk for years, refusing to pay a dime for it, SHAME ON YOU!

Edited by RexRed
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