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Will NEXT be available as a standalone purchase at some point?

aidan o driscoll

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So as the title says - Will NEXT be available as a standalone purchase at some point?

I really enjoyed its simplicity with no real clutter during the beta period. Has all you need to create tracks without too much features getting in the way deflecting you from the real biz of creation. Sometimes less toys is good :D .. helps you focus better on the creativity 

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You asked a question that 

1- Members of this form have no idea even thought we have asked the same of Sonar. 

2- Development staff visit this forum and lately they have  been on here a lot, so probably saw you post.   We can only assume they have been told by the Boss to not comment on pricing as it is nothing to do with them. What people are doing now is asking Bandlab directly. See the Sonar sub forum for a thread " I love Sonar" 


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On 7/16/2024 at 5:28 PM, Sock Monkey said:

You asked a question that 

1- Members of this form have no idea even thought we have asked the same of Sonar. 

2- Development staff visit this forum and lately they have  been on here a lot, so probably saw you post.   We can only assume they have been told by the Boss to not comment on pricing as it is nothing to do with them. What people are doing now is asking Bandlab directly. See the Sonar sub forum for a thread " I love Sonar" 


Fair enough. However, I find it unusual that here we have an all NEW DAW where access to it is rather restricted vs getting it out there to increase its popularity. Right now its only people paying membership and beta people that have access to it. Most likely those paying membership will use New Sonar more than NEXT? Just very odd I think, for a new DAW essentially. As it is it feels like its buried already without a chance. 

Would make sense to me to sell it seperately outside of  membership to get it off the ground. Give it a fighting chance

Edited by aidan o driscoll
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  • 3 months later...

There are likely many Mac users who subscribe to Bandlab who obviously can’t use Sonar but can use Next and all the other Bandlab products, files etc.

Bandlab members far exceed numbers who buy dedicated DAWs. The community using online and collaborative tools is much larger than you probably credit.

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4 hours ago, Michael Vogel said:

Bandlab members far exceed numbers who buy dedicated DAWs. The community using online and collaborative tools is much larger than you probably credit.

Last report it was now over 100 Million Bandlab Members.

It would be interesting to know how many users are actually working in Next. Judging by this sub forum it seems that it is almost zero.  But that's unscientific. I guess Bandlab would have some idea by looking at how many people have it activated right now. 

That said even that doesn't tell you how many are actually using it. 

I've had it installed since day one. As  Daw's  go I really like it. Mostly for it's clean simplicity. It loads up super fast, it does what it does perfectly without fuss. The user manual is easy to navigate. But of course the long list of missing features has me putting it aside to return to using more full featured Daw's like Sonar.

If they added ARA support and the Smart tool I could actually take it very seriously.

Therefore I keep it updated but I never use it to do anything other than Stem Separation. And now I can do that in Audacity with  higher quality 48/24 files offline.

I'm still cheering for it! The little Daw that could! 

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ai says "As of now, NEXT (which I assume refers to a specific software or service) hasn't been officially confirmed as a standalone purchase by its developers, at least based on the latest available information. However, companies sometimes release products as part of a subscription or service bundle initially and later offer standalone versions based on user demand or feedback. It’s worth keeping an eye on any official announcements or product updates from the company in question."

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it's ok I found the answer on the internet, took me 2 seconds,

(2 hours and 2 seconds to be exact, 2 hours to be bothered to look, 2 seconds to find it)



Cakewalk Help Center


 Installing Next

Downloading, Installing and Activating Cakewalk Next

October 25, 2024 07:18

Cakewalk Next is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems. It is currently accessible via BandLab Membership and requires an active BandLab Membership Subscription to work. If you do not have Membership you can sign up for it using your BandLab account through this link.

Go to the Cakewalk website

Click on the Cakewalk Next Banner

Under 'Now Available Through BandLab Membership' select your operating system to download the corresponding version.

Once installed, open Cakewalk Next

You will be prompted to Sign in to your BandLab Account to activate

Sign in with your BandLab Membership Account details 

Cakewalk Next is activated, and you can now save and export your projects.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! It's one of the most requested queries, and a perpetual or a product-based license/subscription is certainly being considered for Sonar and Next. We do not have immediate plans for this rollout yet, but we're optimistic as we develop these products. At present, Sonar and Next will still be a part of BandLab Membership.

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