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Waves : Electric 200 Piano (Wurlitzer) - FREE


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  • stony changed the title to Waves : Electric 200 Piano (Wurlitzer) - FREE

I've been playing the Wurly since I was 3 or 4 years old (literally) and I never tire of it! Thanks for finding this @stony. Even though I already have a bunch of Wurly libraries, every developer's take and presets are a little different, so I'm excited to grab this one!  

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I'm busy with the family and not able to install this at the moment,  so I found a preset demo someone made. I wish the guy would have played something with greater dynamics range, but it shows off the presets well and the part he plays is pleasant enough. The presets are more of different treatments you'd expect for a Wurly as opposed to the sound design presets of the recently released Wurlybird from Cherry Audio (don't get me wrong, I really like those sound design presets, they're just beyond the kind of amp and distortion patches on Waves plugin). 

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I installed it and went through all of the presets. I definitely don't find it's in the same league as Wurly libraries from AcousticSamples, SonicCoture, e-instruments or and even the Scarbee A-200 library that comes with Komplete, originally released more than  a decade ago. It's not bad, it's just not excellent. It seems like it only has two velocity layers (I don't know where to look, so if anyone wants to check and report how many velocity layers, I'd be interested, but it certainly doesn't sound like much). 

While I love the key noise recorded in the AcousticSamples Wurlie library and like the key noise in the e-instruments W -- in both cases, it's a very low end thud that reminds me of playing a real Wurly. The key noise in Waves instrument sounds tinny -- not to my liking.  Still, for a freebie, it's worth picking up, IMO, as there are 89 presets and you'll probably find a few you'll like. 

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