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UVI 50% voucher - Bastille day

Yan Filiatrault

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Well it's definitely nothing to do with owning falcon or VV, I have those and Keysuite but no voucher here. 

I can only guess it has to do with buying directly from uvi vs resellers or having bought in the past year. 

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1 hour ago, Craig N said:

Well it's definitely nothing to do with owning falcon or VV, I have those and Keysuite but no voucher here. 

I can only guess it has to do with buying directly from uvi vs resellers or having bought in the past year. 

Nah. I've basically only bought directly from UVI in the recent months, yet nada.

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Hi there,

This voucher has been sent to a particular group of users depending on what they own, like we regularly do. No offense to users who did not receive it, you’ll probably receive one during the year. Make sure to stay subscribed to our newsletter to receive those targeted offers. 

Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us (https://uvi.net/contact-us).

Best regards,
UVI Team

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1 hour ago, Thomas Joussot said:

Hi there,

This voucher has been sent to a particular group of users depending on what they own, like we regularly do. No offense to users who did not receive it, you’ll probably receive one during the year. Make sure to stay subscribed to our newsletter to receive those targeted offers. 

Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us (https://uvi.net/contact-us).

Best regards,
UVI Team

Thanks for posting in our forum, Thomas, UVI is quite liked over here and Falcon in particular. Keep up the good work. 

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