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HELP! Sonar won't run

Charles Puckett

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I hooked up a Behringer Uphoria to record some vocals. MME gave distortion, so I switched to ASIO, but dice. Switched to WDM, and SONAR crashed, and hasn't run since then.

Start it, splash screen for a few seconds, then crickets.

I've removed it multiple times, but the sonofabitch won't even go away! That is, I remove it (doesn't show up in Windows installed apps), but I can still "start it". Removed with  Command Center. Reinstalled. SAME THING!!

What does it take to kill this thing completely.  However much I uninstall, reboot, etc, it still acts like its tryng to use WDM and then dies.

I've been a Cakewalk user for over 30 years. Never had this level of frustration

Any ideas?

I'm including some sort of SONAR generated recovery project (which does nothing as far as I can tell). Also the dump file

SONAR no longer evens has an email option for Support!! Is it time to look for an alternative DAW?


FeelLikeLettingGo(Reprise) (Recover 24-07-10-11-35-05-819).cwp FeelLikeLettingGo(Reprise)_07102024_113419.dmp

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That definitely sounds like an issue with being able to open the audio driver. Disconnecting the device will likely allow Sonar to be able to launch, and you can try swapping to a different driver, then close the app, reconnect the device, and restart.

As mentioned above though, this is definitely something support can give you further assistance with. 

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Command Center would indicate this is about the old Sonar x.

When i saw the title of the topic it indicated that the nuSonar has problems.

Isn't this a problem when old Sonarx pop up in this subforum?

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