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Whom to contact about licensing options?

Starship Krupa

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We have been told (and it's been  demonstrated) that further statements about people's preferences in licensing models for Sonar and Next are not welcome in this forum, so in the interest of peace I'd like to respectfully ask whom people should contact regarding their preferences in this matter.

The Cakewalk development and support teams already know that there are many people who wish to transition from Cakewalk by BandLab to Sonar (and/or Next), but are waiting until such time as perpetual licenses are made available. I'll presume that the person or persons who are in charge of making decisions on licensing would also be interested in this information.

What is the best way for Cakewalk's loyal and passionate fanbase to contact the people who will be making the decisions on licensing?

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The support team is also keen to hear more from our users about their preferred pricing/perpetual license options. We'll be able to compile and collect the data for the relevant team to look into it. You can provide your suggestions via our support form here

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1 hour ago, Ashwin Rao said:

The support team is also keen to hear more from our users about their preferred pricing/perpetual license options. We'll be able to compile and collect the data for the relevant team to look into it. You can provide your suggestions via our support form here

Thank you very much, Ashwin, having an approved way to contact BandLab will allow concerned parties to be heard without disturbing the support forum.

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And thanks @Starship Krupa for putting in the time to finally put this topic to bed. 
I will include this link in the video I’m working on that will bring people up to date. This forum only represents a very small group of Cakewalk users. 
And the good news is this totally implies that Bandlab has been listening and there’s a good probability of. Perpetual License in the distant future. 

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18 hours ago, ptheisen said:

This was brought up in the private Beta sub-forum.

The info provided (thanks, Noel!) is that the decision makers are already well aware, but as of now, it seems they are content with the status quo. Anyone who wants to make their thoughts about that known should email them via this link: https://bandlabtechnologies.com/contact/


So they get grouped together with this request, I'm guessing feedback on standardization of the from would be helpful for your support team

Given the fact they didn't have a "we want a perpetual option" in the drop down despite every end user would like to see this as an option.


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They’ve gave the clear answer of no. Will they change their mind? Maybe. But continuing to ask an answered question in the hope the world will change is futile.  They don’t want to sell it. There isn’t enough of us to change their minds. They can live without us.

Rent it or move on. Yes, I will continue to check to see if the decision does change but the more I’m away from it the less likely I’ll return. Well unless I shave some decades off my age, get into loop/sample/AI generated music and somehow Sonar is the bee’s-knees, the top dog, the most rad, an awesome, the most excellent tool … for that. And then Bandlab can get my music out there so I become famous.

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@Terry Kelley, et al.
I understand exactly how you’ve come to your opinion, but perhaps, given the fact that input has been solicited, we should give BL the benefit of the doubt?

Time will tell. I, for one, understand completely that BL is trying to build membership. I don’t have a problem with BL monetizing the DAW. Would I prefer to have a perpetual license; hell ya! Do I need/want the “perks” that membership brings? I will probably never explore them. Will I “pay to play” for my favorite DAW; yup! And if that’s a subscription; so be it!



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5 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

@Terry Kelley, et al.
I understand exactly how you’ve come to your opinion, but perhaps, given the fact that input has been solicited, we should give BL the benefit of the doubt?

Time will tell. I, for one, understand completely that BL is trying to build membership. I don’t have a problem with BL monetizing the DAW. Would I prefer to have a perpetual license; hell ya! Do I need/want the “perks” that membership brings? I will probably never explore them. Will I “pay to play” for my favorite DAW; yup! And if that’s a subscription; so be it!




As stated above, it is weird imho that, I quote from above post, "Given the fact they didn't have a "we want a perpetual option" in the drop down despite every end user would like to see this as an option." 

so?,..................................Why isn't it? I know you won't know but it is the obvious drop down response.

I m happy with CWBL so I will not bother to submit anything since the obvious is missing.

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