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When hitting ALT+2 for Console View...is there a way...?

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to have it open default to my second window full sized? I set up a template where it's already undocked and maximized. First time open loads perfect. If I ever minimize the Console view and hit ALT+2 it reopen it it opens it to a truncated window (on the correct second monitor.)

Is that a Windows thing or a Cakewalk thing? And might anyone know how to get it to re-open maximized? Thanks!

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Sorry...I used the wrong terminology. It is saved as a workspace where the Console View populates full screen to the second monitor. Perfect.
If I close that window and then hit ALT+2, it opens to a smaller minimized window and not right back to full screen. Is there any way to have ALT+2 open "always" as full screen?

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That kinda works...though I'm not sure I'm doing it totally correctly and my assumption is that's on a per project basis and not universal to a default workspace?

Long run...I'm trying to get those windows maximized and saved in the correct position for my workflow and assigned to number 1 so that anytime I hit 1 it brings it back to that state. If I can do that...then I should be able to technically assign a hotkey in the iMap software for lets say "Console View" (Number 1) and anytime I press that on my P1-M it opens it all back up to that default view.  Right now assigning ALT+2 does that but only opens it to a minimized state and not full window.

On that same train of thought...I'm wondering if there's a way to save a default way items open. Let's say Melodyne. It would be awesome if anytime I added it to a track it would open undocked, full screen on my second window. Also have certain parameters already set up in their such as turning off the alignment to the track grid. I feel like I waste so much time having to put it in this state anytime I'm doing tuning work.


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I’m not understanding what you are doing wrong. For me I take all the views and size them etc I save that as a workspace and then every project I open uses that workspace.   

I used to have a bunch now 
I use only 2 like I demo in the video. Same set up for years now. 

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The workspace opens fine just as I set it up.

If I shut down the Console view on screen 2 it takes several clicks to get it back to a full screen. I'm looking for 1 option that either always returns closed or minimized views to full screen as a default (Console, Piano Roll etc.) and not half sized OR...a hotkey option that opens it to it's maximum size on the second window. If it's the latter, hopefully I can then map the hotkey to the iMap software. ALT+2 sort of does this except again, hitting that combo only reopens it at half size. Hopefully that makes sense.

As it opens from the original workspace.

Shut it down and hit ALT+2 and this is what I get which is less than a quarter of the original size.


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