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rme totalmix headphone mix


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hi all apart from the #@$t fight trying to set up a bandlab account..my main problem is as stated..

have an rme ufx  and i know i can set up a bus in cake and a send and assign that to whatever hardware outs i want . (ie headphone bus )

but the rme tutorials look like i can send each track in cake to a specified hardware out AND maintain my main mix levels (make sense?)

eg i have 8 tracks all sending to bus 1@2 lets call it master..but( heres the confusing bit) it seems

i can also assign these same tracks to seperate outs and route them separetely t

o the headphone out independant of the main mix fed by the Master bus..

i know sounds confusing try seeing from my side

it would mean that i would have to be able to assign a track to the master bus and simultaneously assign it to ,eg output 3 on my rme and from there route it to my headphone out..does that sound right?

in the old days i would just turn up turn on my amp and play....not anymore




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I suggest you spend some time learning Totalmix. RME interfaces are Digital Mixers, with "software" inputs and outputs in addition to the hardware IO.

The last is what confuse you, f.e. "Outputs 1/2" as seen by Cakewalk (or any other software) are NOT hardware outputs. That are just software output channels which can be mixed to any hardware outputs.

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thanks all good stuff and learned a lot but not the answer to my question.

if you look at this short video at around 0.30

he starts talking about setting up a headphone mix 

it seems like he has a stereo master mix going to output 1@2  ( main out) but is also able to send the 

tracks  (from the DAW )separately to the other SOFTWARE PLAYBACK channels  (RME) and from there create a

separate and different mix for the headphones

What i cant work out is how to send  from Cake  e.g 8 tracks to my main outs (master lets say ,which i can do )

and also send the tracks  individually to the other software playback channels in RME. which i would then use to create the different headphone mix.

what am i missing here?

Thanks again


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Send the trk you want to go to the headphones to 7/8 and go to RME mixer, from the software fader, select the button at the bottom and choose 7/8, then look at the bottom of the mixer in the output section and select the headphone fader and turn it up.


If what I am telling you dosn't make any sense, then I suggeswt you grab that big manual and start reading it like I did. And I don't mean this in a bad way. I had to read that thing two or three times before I was able to wrap my head around that software mixer and what it is capable of.


What you want to do can be done. But you have to know where to route your signal. And that you will have to learn yourself because every system is different. IOW, my In/Out for my software and hardware (big difference) are different from yours. So what I explained is what I do to keep my mix levels the same, but when I want to record and not hear anything coming out of my speakers without changing anything in CbB, I use the RME mixer.


Very simple once you know. Just read the manual. I had to. Thought I could just figure it out. Couldn't.

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thanks ..i know how to route signals in RME ..my problem is i dont know how

to send all my tracks out of Cake both to a master bus which is then assigned in RME

to my main out  (which i would use in the control room)

and also send the same tracks from Cake to alternate software  outputs which i would then

route to a headphone  mix (again i know how to route tracks in RME)

whose levels would be different to my main mix..if you look at the video

you can see that he has a main mix on 1@2 sending to his main outs and the

tracks showing up again in the adjacent software outputs.

 i dont think my problem is with RME..i just cant work out how to get the tracks from cake to

sent to different software playback channels simultaneously.

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Have you tried to use sends on your trks/busses?



Then send the sends to a buss that you can route to where you want. Put a Send on the Master and send that to New Buss. Send the output of the new buss to 7/8 output.


How many in/outs are you selecting in Preferences/Audio/Devices/Input and Output? On my Fireface I got four choices. How many you have? And do you have them all selected?



Edited by Grem
Added more info
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Thanks..as my original post states ..yes i know i can set up  ab uss and send

each track to that and have that buss out put to an RME output

but i want to know how to do it the way this video suggests...

as an experiment  if  you are using cake have a track send to output 1 of your sound card

and then see if you can send this same track to output 2.


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If you have a one track project and sendout to the master bus, you can also send the track to any number of other outputs.

The master bus outputs to 7+8.

Send 1 outputs to 1

Send 2 outputs to 2 etc. 

Keeping adding sends to send the output to as many channels as you have outputs on your rme.

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