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Is there a way to respond to answers in the Forum?


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I just joined the forum and started a new topic.  I got a good response from one of the members and wanted to thank him/her and maybe ask a follow-up question.  But the only options I can see for responding are the fields “Quote” and “Answer this question.”  Neither seems appropriate.  Is there a way to provide a comment or follow-up question?  If there is, perhaps you should make it more obvious on the page.  If not, perhaps you should consider adding this feature.  Also, I did not see the FAQ Forum addressing this. Thanks.

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Thanks for clarifying this Kurre.  Based on that, my feedback to BandLab is to request whoever is in authority to direct the developer to change the field names "Answer this Question" and "Quote" to phrases that more accurately reflect their uses.  Additionally, or alternatively, you can add a mouse hover message over the names of each field which provide a more descriptive explanation.  

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The Q/A sub section and the other discussion sections have different functionality.  Though sometimes people use the Q/A section for continuing discussions, it seems to me designed more like a problem-solution database where (if used the way it seems intended) people can ask targeted questions, others can propose answers, and over time there will be a list of possible solutions to specific problems.  Also, I suspect the top-rated answer receives numbers and rankings to show which answer more people found helpful.

I have no idea if this was the intent of the Q/A section here, but that's how other Q/A forums work on the internet. 


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