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Locked out of Cakewalk!!!

Guy Shahar


Hi everyone


I’m pretty new to Cakewalk, but seem to have become locked out of it.  I had been trying to change the driver to see if that improved the sound/latency and saw an option “WDM”, so I thought I’d try that.  However, when I did, Cakewalk closed, and every time I try to open it, I see the WDM driver initiation box come up along with the Cubase opening box, but then they both disappear and the program doesn’t open.  Can anyone tell what’s going on and how I can get back in?

2024-06-28 22_47_16-.png

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5 answers to this question

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Go to the Cakewalk application folder in Program Files, and rename AUD.INI. Cakewalk will replace it on launch with one that defaults to WASAPI. Not sure why this happened with WDM; likely some issue with the response of the device driver to initialization.

EDIT: It'll be in Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core for Cakewalk by Bandlab.

Edited by David Baay
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2 hours ago, Guy Shahar said:


Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO in the registry and remove the 'Generic Low Latency ASIO Driver' key. Cubase installs this and it's notorious for causing issues with Cakewalk. It's not needed for using WASAPI with onboard audio or for an external audio interface with its own ASIO driver.

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