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Kuassa Efektor Modulation Beat free with Beat Magazine #223 08/2024


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The new issue of Beat Magazine is already available in German for subscribers on plugins-samples.com. English issue following soon.

This month's freebie is Efektor Modulation by Kuassa, Beat edition. I don't know Kuassa Efektor Modulation, never heard of it, and don't know what's the difference to the Beat edition.

Beat Magazine's plugin description (translated from German with deepl.com):


Chorus, flanger, phaser and tremolo in one plug-in? That's four wishes at once! That's really not possible, is it? Of course it is!

Our software highlight Kuassa Efektor Modulation Beat combines all four modulation effects in one appealing interface.

A real sweet spot effect for instruments, synths, drums, vocals and much more


And, of course, there's a new Zampler soundbank again. "Harmony of Realms", with 81 ethereal voices, elven harps and droids.


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