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Spitfire Audio BBC Symphony Orchestra Arrived Today

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Well this afternoon I had a package in the  mail and lo and behold!


I was very impressed by the package and even a little personalized shall I say “birth certificate”. The SSD is enclosed in a USB C enclosure and they supply a USB C to regular cable. I did have a little hiccup installing as I had installed the plugin from the download earlier but there was a very nice video “Watch Me First” that helped me get back on track.


Looking at my current system I was not prepared for the shear magnitude of what I was getting into. By default all the articulations are loaded for a particular instrument and that is something I can get a better handle on by editing and only making active the ones I think I will actually use.

Also all of the mic signals can be once again, OVERWHELMING as most of us will never use the Dolby Atmos signals and to get really crazy with opening all of the spills separately would be an adventure indeed. 

The first thing I loaded was the strings and to be totally real, I cried as I played the Con Sordino  Violins, they are just  beautiful. I then loaded a couple of other instances (Violas, Celli, and Bass) and cried again when I was looking at using over 20gb (out of 32gb installed) of system memory. I think once again having so many articulations loaded at a time. There seems to be something strange going on with memory management that at the moment is difficult to put a finger on.

Along with @Matthew Sorrels, watching through some of the Daniel James video marathon brought some honest if not very salty reality to this library. We’re it not for my dear friend who graciously gifted this to me; looking at it now from this standpoint I am not sure if  BBCSO would have been something I would have really jumped on myself if I had the budget to do so.

Also getting used to having to install multiple instances of the BBCSO plugin is something I will have to get used to and once again agree wholeheartedly with the comments about a lack of feedback on loading instruments and the current mechanics of how things are handled from a memory or ssd streaming perspective.

My journey is just beginning and hopefully things will improve over time as more real in the field feedback gets back to Spitfire. The community of users they desire to build around this library will require them to take seriously all of the feedback as some have mentioned and address the really thorny issues raised or it will be over before it has a real chance of taking off.

The other mindset is the “Apple-centricity” (did I just make up a new word?), Many users are not on Mac OS or that use Logic or even Cubase (I use a MacBook Pro on the road to play virtual instruments live). Again, it is taking the feedback from users and creating an environment where everyone will reap the harvest of collective knowledge on all platforms which will ultimately benefit everyone.

All I know is I feel on the edge of a new frontier as I start putting together a strategy for building a reasonable new system that can be up to the challenge of carrying me into some amazing opportunities.

OK, rant over ? You can be sure I will keep you posted and please keep me in mind if there are discoveries or minefields you find along the way!

Always Joyfully!

Edited by Simeon Amburgey
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  On 10/29/2019 at 9:32 AM, JoeGBradford said:

I'm not sure whether to feel envious or not ?


I know, right?

It just seems odd in a way as I thought about it this way; someone says they have this amazing pet that they are going to give you and you are so excited because its pedigree sounds very impressive and who wouldn’t want to have such a unique and special animal. i thought sure, I have a cat and they seem to be very easy to care for and provide a lot of fun, entertainment and companionship.

The day arrives and I am told the delivery just was dropped off, I come home with my heart full of expectation and excitement when I turn the corner and there stands a very amazing, beautiful but very huge elephant!?

I guess that is where I’m at currently. I am somewhere between excitement and discouragement as I try and figure out the best way to care for this new member of my music production family. I am very hopeful but know there is a decent road ahead learning curve wise as well as a definite need to upgrade my production system which realistically needed to be done, seeing my current system is really being pushed already to the limit.

I also think I am really going to need a bigger litter box ?????


Edited by Simeon Amburgey
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It's interesting in Guy's video (which are always entertaining) he can almost start playing right away when he loads something.  On my computer the loading is taking much longer and no notes are available until it's pretty much done.  A totally different experience.  Spitfire posted something on VI about them looking at the Windows problems but it didn't exactly inspire me with confidence.

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So back home and still wading through how to manage this on my current machine so I thought I would try an experiment. Fresh booting into Windows and stopping several unneeded processes (Dropbox, Skype, One Drive, etc. - I know ?) and here is what my memory usage looked like:


I then loaded Cakewalk by BandLab with my test project and here is what it looked like:


And then I added up the individual memory usage from each of the five instances of Spitfire BBC SO and it came up to around 11.5 gb which accurately represents the difference in the before and after loading.

I limited each instance of Spitfire BBC SO to the Con Sordino and Legato articulation for the strings and Legato, Long and Long Cuivre for the French Horns and limited to no more than two Mic signals (Violins - Mix 1 and Stereo, Violas-Tree, Celli - Mix 1 and Stereo, Basses-Mix 1 and Tree, French Horns- Mix 1 and Stereo) to minimize the memory footprint.

The sounds are beautiful to say the least. I am hearing some strange things hear and there (the Con Sordino Violas seem to have something weird going on and you can hear the loop point somewhat). I think this is a journey for the long haul and hopefully things can only improve with Spitfire being open to accept true, constructive feedback from the community because in these days and times $1k is nothing to sneeze at! ?



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  On 10/29/2019 at 5:54 PM, synkrotron said:

Well, at least someone is enjoying it:-)


Yes, a lot of fun!

What confuses me when I look at his default screens (ie. Violas) the memory footprint is so much smaller. I am seeing around 760mb with the default mic position loaded) compared to my over 2gb when not even loading all of the articulations.  If I turn on Mix 1 and the Ambient 1 Mix my memory soots up to over 3gb.

  On 10/29/2019 at 6:16 PM, Matthew Sorrels said:

Spitfire posted something on VI about them looking at the Windows problems but it didn't exactly inspire me with confidence.


Do you have a link?

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OK, I see now the indicator in the upper left corner that is GREEN when the articulation is actually loaded so there is not necessarily a penalty for having them available. Also the only indicator of load activity is the tiny "LED" indicator in the upper left corner of the GUI that flickers wildly until settling on GREEN.

Not sure how he was able to play anything while it was loading (probably an Applecentric thing).

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  On 10/29/2019 at 7:44 PM, synkrotron said:

Yes, I noticed that in some of the Daniel James "first look."


Really strange...


To make sure I watched DJ studio tour and indeed MAC Running Cubase.


  On 10/29/2019 at 7:47 PM, synkrotron said:

But Daniel James is on Mac...

Is it a Logicentric thing?


Ok now who's inventing their own words???? but you are onto something; when companies build in a closed system and then offer it to those outside of that system then that is when all of the real fun begins in the user community and Spitfire needs to manage this well I believe to be even more successful going forward.

I understand in some part going to your own plugin as I am sure Kontakt has some sort of licencing fee you may have to endure in order to get things on their player.

The saga continues....

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  On 10/29/2019 at 8:05 PM, synkrotron said:

Another Logic guy having fun:-


Perhaps we have to move to Logic O.o


Very nice!!!

I have Cubase 10 on my system as well and thought I would see what would happen under similar instrument load circumstances and seeing the same basic principle here; very crushing memory loading. I sent a ticket in to Spitfire offering to help with testing Windows performance so we shall see when some more of the dust settles from the initial week after release.

I had another thought about removing some of the actual RAM out of my system just to see what would happen; I suspect nothing good. The journey continues! 

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  On 10/30/2019 at 7:16 PM, Matthew Sorrels said:

When I load my test ostinato project (with 40+ tracks and every instrument), it takes forever to load but claims to only have 11gigs loaded.  But Task Manager shows 32gigs Private Bytes and 54gigs Working Set size.  Which is crazy.



Yes, definitely strange. I do hope they will take the Windows platform users seriously.

BTW: I found the forum you mentioned VI Control. Looks like another rabbit hole to explore but also lots of useful information from some wonderful users, some which I recognize from home base ?

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VI forum is pretty much a must read.  I don't really post much (if ever there) but the content is pretty good.  And it is the place for BBCSO talk.  They are claiming to have a fix coming soon.  So I'm hopeful.  If they can manage to fix it perhaps I'll finish my CbB template.  I do get a kick out of the fact that Cakewalk runs it better than Cubase 10.

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  On 10/30/2019 at 8:46 PM, Matthew Sorrels said:

VI forum is pretty much a must read.  I don't really post much (if ever there) but the content is pretty good.  And it is the place for BBCSO talk.  They are claiming to have a fix coming soon.  So I'm hopeful.  If they can manage to fix it perhaps I'll finish my CbB template.  I do get a kick out of the fact that Cakewalk runs it better than Cubase 10.


Can't wait to see your template.

I just loaded my very simple test project and was actually able to play some things while it was loading ?
@Matthew Sorrels, thanks so much for your feedback; it is always good to have comrades right there with you in the trenches.

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