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Love is Forever


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Hey awesome Sonar peeps!

Here is the first song created in the new Cakewalk Sonar!

This song is still a WIP. It has been difficult making this, my thoughts are all over the place on this song, still.

Not sure what it needs and doesn't need. I have fussed over it a lot.

The nylon guitar plucking part is throughout the whole song, kind of monotonous.  When I take it out in parts, it sounds empty there.

The oos and ahhs, I use them a lot in my songs because they sound better than when I try and use a pad alone.

The vocal comes in hot, I need to beef up the intro a bit more. With what? I don't know yet.

I need to manually tame down a few vocal inflections, a bit of micro management.

Or, I could just use the song the way it is... I am quite sure I will do at least one more long edit before this song is released into the wild.

Critiques are welcome. ?


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Well, I just posted above the last version before this song gets published. I replaced the first version.

I may one day go back and "experiment" more with the song.

I try and give some time for comments here but sometimes my deadline is short as is in this case.

I hope you enjoy the final version of this song peeps!

Best to you all! ?

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The vocals sound fine to me.  It's a good sounding song.  The one thing I heard in my head was something similar to the harmonica in the beginning of Sprinsteen's The River.  Not necessarily on harmonica - I actually heard it in my head as a single note (rather than chords) pattern going on in the background with a bunch of reverb on it. I like the song and the production.  What do you think of the new Sonar (I wasn't aware that it had been released) - do you like it, is it worth getting?



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