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Windows 10 latest update creating problems?


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My studio computer is a Windows machine - a Sweetwater Creation Station, to be specific - and it is usually not connected to the internet. However, I do connect periodically to download updates for plugins, CbB, etc. The last time I did this Microsoft did its sneaky forced update thing, and now I cannot shut the machine down without Windows trying to install the latest version. I am terrified of letting it update, based on decades of experience with Windows updates, so I haven't shut the machine off for a couple of weeks now. I am really close to finishing a really big project, and do not want to risk Windows not playing nicely with CbB or plugins or anything else.

So my question is: has anyone experienced problems with the latest Windows 10 update and your recording software? If so, were you able to get them resolved?

Thanks for your thoughts & insights.

P.S.: I'm about to head off to work, so it will be close to 12 hours before I can reply. ?


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My recommendation would be to allow the Microsoft updates.

If you experience problems afterward, and you can definitively identify the update as the source of the problem, then Windows allows you to roll back updates.

I personally keep my workstation as up-to-date as possible and I have yet to experience a problem with CbB that was caused by an update.

As always, your mileage may vary. ?

Edited by Eddie
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Thank you, everyone. I will take a leap of faith and let Windows do its thing.

Back in the old, old days of XP I had some kind of problem with every single update.  It got to the point that I stopped updating the studio computer once I had a fairly stable version, and I kept using that until about 3 years ago, when I went with the Win 10 machine, which I have updated once, but that was by accident, lol.

Now, my laptop is a different story. I almost always update it right away, and have had minimal issues. Of course, it is used mostly for email, web surfing, and a little photo & video editing, not music related stuff at all. Somehow, the lack of serious problems with the laptop has not alleviated my fear of things going  extemely sideways with the studio machine, hence my asking before leaping.   Plus, this project has been repeatedly plagued by some very bizarre technical problems over the course of recording and mixing, and I think I am nervous because of that as well. Eh, time to be bold, right?

Thank you all, again.

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Most Windows update related issues are driver issues.  I have configured my Windows not to allow Windows update to touch any drivers. 

I do update drivers manually by visiting the respective manufacturer's websites and downloading them from there.  I simply do not trust Microsoft with providing the correct driver.

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Most of my issues with Windows updates were caused by changed settings! I almost always found out that Microsoft had changed some. And it is really not easy to perceive this immediately after the update, because there are so many settings!

What I also experienced more than one time: After downloading an update and not yet restarted (installation) the audio drivers had strange behavior that was healed first after the install! I.e. the preinstallation had already affected the system!

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Stay off line or 1903 update won't wait. It self imposed itself early this morning here.

So far one GOOD thing is now I can log onto the forum with IE11 whereas before I couldn't.

I will use IE11 till it completely dies for good. Tho I don't see that as 'good'. ¬¬

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