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My New Antelope Audio Zen Q Interface!

Larry Shelby

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I'll try to keep this brief!

Most novices hate these interfaces because their usage is not "simple", but require
some work and proficiency to get up and running, but IMO it's well worth the effort!

I recently came across an Antelope Audio Zen Tour for $419.  It lists for over $2,000!
It is a high end, 8 input, A-DAT, SPDIF expandable unit.
I bought it...and when it came it had no power cord, so I had to order a power cord for
it which cost $53.  I complained to Guitar Center that the description of the product
didn't say that it didn't have a power cord, so because I had to order one they gave me
another 10% off to compensate for it.  Once I got the PC it worked fine and I even got all the plugins
when I registered it, but I found out that the Zen Tour doesn't support their proprietary
AFX2DAW plugin over USB2, which allows you to use the hardware DSP resident plugins (they reside
in the interface) within your DAW.  After further research I discovered that AFX2DAW is
only supported by Thunderbolt or by USB-C.  The Zen Tour was both Thunderbolt 
and USB2, but I don't have Thunderbolt, so it was pointless to keep it and I returned it, as not being able to use the plugins
in my DAW would defeat the purpose.  I could track with them, but not mix with them!
(mind you that just an 8 input interface of this quality would cost you even more, even without

So I found a Zen Q USB-C ( 1 step down from the Tour) for $200 (4 inputs 2 Neutrik and 2 Hi-Z) and bought that (normally $899 in store and $1000 list).
That arrived and it was in the original box, and like new, and everything was fine, but the software that came with
it wasn't paired to the interface so I couldn't use the plugins.  I tried everything that I could think of, but finally relented and 
emailed support.  Within 24 hrs they had responded and had all the software that came with
the interface paired, and even gave me the current promo software on top (except Bitwig Essentials).
It was supposed to come with 37 Effects, but I ended up with over 90!

The AFX2DAW is a SEPERATE piece of software that costs $199, and  I had found a coupon to
get 10% off of that making it $180, but when I scrolled farther down on the AFX2DAW page
there was an offer to get it and 5 plugins for $189!  10% off of that made it $170, so I was able
to dwindle the price down a bit more! Once that was installed I was now able to use the plugins
within the DAW of my choosing!  How it works is that AFX2DAW is a VST3 - AAX plugin that 
you insert in the FX rack.  When you open that it allows you to chain up to 8 AFX (think VMR,
Mixbox, Soundtoys FX rack, etc...).  I'm still in the learning stage but I have to say that I can certainly
see why these interfaces are priced so high!  WOW!  These things are OUTSTANDING!
While it is quite the curve to wrap your head around it and get up and running, I haven't heard any plugins that
come close to these  You can even use the plugins as a "Hardware Insert" by routing!

The Pre-amps have Class-leading, Studio Quality, AD/DA conversion with up to 127dB of headroom,
Recording, mixing and playback at up to 24-bit/192kHz and near zero (imperceptible) latency!
And the Zen Q doesn't require a power cord!  I'm ECSTATIC for what I paid!

Screenshot 2024-06-14 201539.png

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Hey there, glad you like the ZenQ! I've got one myself and I have trouble getting the AFX2DAW working properly. You say "it's quite a curve to wrap your head around it and get it up and running".  Can you clarify a bit about what you did? Maybe my routing is wrong, I don't know.  Audio quality is great though!

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1 hour ago, Jasper Kerkhof said:

Hey there, glad you like the ZenQ! I've got one myself and I have trouble getting the AFX2DAW working properly. You say "it's quite a curve to wrap your head around it and get it up and running".  Can you clarify a bit about what you did? Maybe my routing is wrong, I don't know.  Audio quality is great though!

Larsy has left the building 

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