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Export aborted NuSonar

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An internal error occurred while processing the mixdown. The operation was unsuccessful. Operation aborted. 

I get this on one project trying to export or to bounce to tracks. I'm guessing the project is corrupted. Best way to migrate the content to a new project? Thoughts?

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32 minutes ago, David A Ludwig said:

I'm guessing the project is corrupted.

I would try some things before reaching that conclusion:

First, export just the Master bus and see if that succeeds.

If not, try exporting all the sub-buses individually and see if one in particular hangs. If so, try  exporting/freezing tracks that feed that bus to narrow it further.

If exporting all the individual buses succeeds, try disabling/removing suspect plugins from the Master bus.

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It’s a plug-in 99% of the time. Bypass all and bounce or export. As David said above, if that works, then you can narrow down the culprit. I’m thinking there is something new in this project. 


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